[gmediaserver-devel] Help Help Help; Houston I've a problem
Maarten van Dijk
[gmediaserver-devel] Help Help Help; Houston I've a problem
Wed, 27 Feb 2008 19:25:11 +0100
Hello friends,
I've got a problem.
After 21min and about 32 sec the music stops and about 20 -30 min it begins with the next number?!????
I use Ubuntu 7.10
Compaq 1 GHZ processor
256 mb memory
special jubox for streaming all my cd's and top40 numbers
It works with the Netgear MP101
Twonky (1 month) is wroking correctly so it must be working also with your gmediaserver.
On Windows I haven't problems, but I don't work with Windows anymore!
I check the software and I have install everythin g the gmediaserver asked. I haven't a no for files when the make check is done before installing
here the problem I have copied from the konsole:
equest file information for `/files/4816'
Readable: Yes
Directory: Yes File Length: 67417004
Content-type: audio/mpeg
Returned info for file `/media/disk/Albums/Pink Floyd/Relics/Pink Floyd - Relics
(whole complete entire full cd album).mp3' successfully
Opening file `/files/4816'
Attempting to read 1048576 bytes at 0 from `/media/disk/Albums/Pink Floyd/Relics
/Pink Floyd - Relics (whole complete entire full cd album).mp3'
Attempting to read 1048576 bytes at 1048576 from `/media/disk/Albums/Pink Floyd/
Relics/Pink Floyd - Relics (whole complete entire full cd album).mp3'
Attempting to read 1048576 bytes at 2097152 from `/media/disk/Albums/Pink Floyd/
Relics/Pink Floyd - Relics (whole complete entire full cd album).mp3'
Attempting to read 1048576 bytes at 3145728 from `/media/disk/Albums/Pink Floyd/
Relics/Pink Floyd - Relics (whole complete entire full cd album).mp3'
Attempting to read 1048576 bytes at 4194304 from `/media/disk/Albums/Pink Floyd/
Relics/Pink Floyd - Relics (whole complete entire full cd album).mp3'
Attempting to read 1048576 bytes at 5242880 from `/media/disk/Albums/Pink Floyd/
Relics/Pink Floyd - Relics (whole complete entire full cd album).mp3'
Attempting to read 1048576 bytes at 6291456 from `/media/disk/Albums/Pink Floyd/
Relics/Pink Floyd - Relics (whole complete entire full cd album).mp3'
Attempting to read 1048576 bytes at 7340032 from `/media/disk/Albums/Pink Floyd/
Relics/Pink Floyd - Relics (whole complete entire full cd album).mp3'
Attempting to read 1048576 bytes at 8388608 from `/media/disk/Albums/Pink Floyd/
Relics/Pink Floyd - Relics (whole complete entire full cd album).mp3'
Attempting to read 1048576 bytes at 9437184 from `/media/disk/Albums/Pink Floyd/
Relics/Pink Floyd - Relics (whole complete entire full cd album).mp3'
Attempting to read 1048576 bytes at 10485760 from `/media/disk/Albums/Pink Floyd
/Relics/Pink Floyd - Relics (whole complete entire full cd album).mp3'
Attempting to read 1048576 bytes at 11534336 from `/media/disk/Albums/Pink Floyd
/Relics/Pink Floyd - Relics (whole complete entire full cd album).mp3'
Attempting to read 1048576 bytes at 12582912 from `/media/disk/Albums/Pink Floyd
/Relics/Pink Floyd - Relics (whole complete entire full cd album).mp3'
Attempting to read 1048576 bytes at 13631488 from `/media/disk/Albums/Pink Floyd
/Relics/Pink Floyd - Relics (whole complete entire full cd album).mp3'
Attempting to read 1048576 bytes at 14680064 from `/media/disk/Albums/Pink Floyd
/Relics/Pink Floyd - Relics (whole complete entire full cd album).mp3'
Attempting to read 1048576 bytes at 15728640 from `/media/disk/Albums/Pink Floyd
/Relics/Pink Floyd - Relics (whole complete entire full cd album).mp3'
Attempting to read 1048576 bytes at 16777216 from `/media/disk/Albums/Pink Floyd
/Relics/Pink Floyd - Relics (whole complete entire full cd album).mp3'
Attempting to read 1048576 bytes at 17825792 from `/media/disk/Albums/Pink Floyd
/Relics/Pink Floyd - Relics (whole complete entire full cd album).mp3'
Attempting to read 1048576 bytes at 18874368 from `/media/disk/Albums/Pink Floyd
/Relics/Pink Floyd - Relics (whole complete entire full cd album).mp3'
Attempting to read 1048576 bytes at 19922944 from `/media/disk/Albums/Pink Floyd
/Relics/Pink Floyd - Relics (whole complete entire full cd album).mp3'
Attempting to read 1048576 bytes at 20971520 from `/media/disk/Albums/Pink Floyd
/Relics/Pink Floyd - Relics (whole complete entire full cd album).mp3'
Closing file `/media/disk/Albums/Pink Floyd/Relics/Pink Floyd - Relics (whole co
mplete entire full cd album).mp3'
Event received: Action request
Event device UDN: uuid:56ba96de-9583-4e1b-857b-d2c0cb73b51c
Event service ID: urn:upnp-org:serviceId:ContentDirectory
Event action name: Browse
Event source:
Event action request:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<u:Browse xmlns:u="urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ContentDirectory:1">
<Filter>res, class, duration, upnp:artist, upnp:album, upnp:genre</Filter>
Sort criteria:
Is there a configure problem or is there a possibility to change the configure file?
Here the command line command: