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Re: [gmediaserver-devel] question about installing and running gmediaser

From: Jan Ceuleers
Subject: Re: [gmediaserver-devel] question about installing and running gmediaserver
Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2007 19:45:54 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20070221)


Richard Uijen wrote:
Is there any manual which is written for non-programming users, which I could use for using the program. Because I foresee that I will want to be able to see my server with my 1st generation Streamium device, and would like to add music to a 'library'or so, or at least not add all my music files to the server's playlist. Or do I need another program to function as a GUI?

The README file in the source code package points you to the project website at , which has a prominent Documentation section.

The manual you're looking for is here:

The README file itself already hints at the answer to your question: you need to specify on the command line which files gmediaserver needs to serve.

For your info: here is how I start gmediaserver here:

   --interface=${INTERFACE} --port=49153 \
   --pid-file=/var/run/ \
   --file-types=mp3,wma,jpg,mpg,mov,avi \
   --output=/var/log/gmediaserver.log \
   ${CONTENT_DIRS_GMEDIASERVER} >/var/log/gmediaserver.log.err 2>&1 &

Before doing so, the shell variables obviously need to be set to something sensible; in my case:

CONTENT_DIRS_GMEDIASERVER="/home/storage/Audio /home/storage/Photos /home/storage/Playlists"

Hope this helps.

Best regards, Jan

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