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[gmediaserver-devel] bug in reading extm3u files

From: Cameron Davidson
Subject: [gmediaserver-devel] bug in reading extm3u files
Date: Sun, 22 Jan 2006 13:05:33 +1000
User-agent: Thunderbird 1.5 (Windows/20051201)

I just installed gmediaserver 0.9.0.

I noticed lots of Warnings about it trying to stat every comment line in
 Winamp's .m3u files.

The bug seems to be in metadata.c, function check_file_content_type
where it reads 4 bytes then another 4 over the top.
Since the pls file check (immediately after) rereads the first 11 bytes,
I just moved the
 attempt_read_at( fd, 11...
to before the check for #EXTM3U

By the way, I followed the links to savannah and it says I can get the
latest CVS contents. But they seem to be empty - am I doing something wrong?


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