Re: [gmediaserver-devel] SMC EzStream ... unfortunately no success for m
Jiri Wichern
Re: [gmediaserver-devel] SMC EzStream ... unfortunately no success for me.
Tue, 29 Nov 2005 12:55:27 +0100
> Please try the prerelease at
> /gmediaserver-0.8.2.tar.gz
> and let us know if it works or not!
Hi Oscar,
I compiled the new version and briefly checked this morning and well... it works!
For a profile I used dms1. All MP3 tracks are individually selectable.
M3U lists function as virtual folders. I have yet to discover if it's
possible to add a group of MP3's (using an M3U list?) to the playlist
of my SMCWAA-G but individual tracks play just fine.
I'll test the software more thourough later this week.