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Re: [Gm2] GM2 latest CVS including logitech libs with -fiso

From: SiTex Graphics
Subject: Re: [Gm2] GM2 latest CVS including logitech libs with -fiso
Date: Mon, 27 Jun 2011 16:08:40 -0400

Hi Gaius,

Thanks for implementing the -flibs= change.  There is a small problem
with the default library path for the -fiso option.  When -fiso is
used, gm2 appears to omit the base gm2 libraries.  E.g., trying to
compile even an empty program with

gm2 -fiso test.mod

produces the following error:

  failed to find definition module RTExceptions.def

Adding pim to the search path fixes the problem:

gm2 -fiso -flibs=iso,pim test.mod

which seems strange since RTExceptions is in gm2-libs, not gm2-libs-pim...

Since RTExceptions appears to be required when compiling with -fiso,
it'd be nice if the path for the base gm2 libraries were included by
default with -fiso.


On Wed, Jun 22, 2011 at 3:11 PM, Gaius Mulley <address@hidden> wrote:
> now fixed in the latest CVS
> regards,
> Gaius

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