And if I leave that out, the "-fno-exceptions" does not work either.
johng: 506 [tst-gm2]=> gm2 -fno-exceptions single.mod
Undefined first referenced
symbol in file
typeinfo for int /opt/gm2-4.1.2/lib/gcc/sparc64-
__cxa_allocate_exception /opt/gm2-4.1.2/lib/gcc/sparc64-
__cxa_throw /opt/gm2-4.1.2/lib/gcc/sparc64-
__gxx_personality_v0 /var/tmp//ccOcmrIO.a
ld: fatal: Symbol referencing errors. No output written to a.out
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
Hi John,
ahh the min libs are really minimal. No I/O or string manipulation
procedures - just the minimal stubs to satisfy the linker (in
M2RTS) and
a minimal SYSTEM. So for example when building for an embedded
the total minlibs overhead is 170 bytes, on the avr ATMega8