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Re: [Gm-devel] New ProtocolManager code and Contact code, please review

From: Henrik Abelsson
Subject: Re: [Gm-devel] New ProtocolManager code and Contact code, please review
Date: Tue, 02 Jul 2002 12:38:19 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.0.0) Gecko/20020615 Debian/1.0.0-3

bool ProtocolManager::IsGM(const Contact& c)
void ProtocolManager::ForceKeyX(const Contact& c)
void ProtocolManager::ChangeCipher(const Contact& c, int cipherType, int 
keysize =-1)

Hmm..Wouldnt it be better if those functions were in the Contact class? I would think the Contacts could keep that info (aswell as session keys) internally.

Just a thought..

Other than that minor nitpick, it looks great! Good job. I have no objections to merging that.

Jesse Lovelace wrote:


Attached is my work for today on the ProtocolManager class and Contact class, please review it because it does create a new idea in the style that we use. The big change is the support for mutliple protocols per contact and the ability to dynamically send a message using any available network.


p.s. - if there are no objections i would like to start merging this tomorrow, 1100 EST (GMT -5)


// -*- C++ -*-
   $Id: contact.h,v 1.6 2002/06/30 21:45:48 mentat Exp $

   GNU Messenger - The secure instant messenger
   Copyright (C) 1999-2002  Henrik Abelsson <address@hidden>

   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
   (at your option) any later version.

   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   GNU General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

#include <string>
#include "cryptography.h"
#include "xml.h"
#include "boost/smart_ptr.hpp"
#include "boost/weak_ptr.hpp"

using namespace std;
using namespace boost;

 All contacts (buddies) in the various protocols are represented by this

Each contact has a status associated with it, and the client should display the
user differently depending on the status here.
\item Contact::Offline - User is offline
\item Contact::Online - User is connected and available
\item Contact::Away - User is connected but away
\item Contact::Dnd - User is connected but doesnt want to be disturbed
\item Contact::Na - User is connected but is not available
\item Contact::Ffc - User is connected and free for chat
\item Contact::Custom - A custom status. retrieve info()["customstatus"] to 
find out more.

class Contact

        Contact(const Contact& cont);
        Contact(XMLNode &config);

        ~Contact() {};

        // Contact status.
        //Custom is a string set and retrieved by info()["customstatus"]
        enum status { Offline, Online, Away, Occupied, Dnd, Na, Ffc, Custom };

        /* ----------------- mutators --------------- */
        /// Add a list of protocols and usernames.
        void    setProtocols(const map<string, string>& p);
        /// sets the current protocol that this contact is using
        void    setActiveProtocol(const string& proto);
        /// Add a protocol to the contact
        void    setProtocol(const string &p);
        /// sets the value "serverid"
        void    setServerId(const string &n) { m_user["serverid"]=n;}
        /// sets the "real name" of the contact: TODO make compatible with 
        void    setNick(const string &n)     { m_user["nick"]=n;}
        /// sets the contact status, do not use, instead call with protocol 
        void    setStatus(const int status)  { m_status=status;}
        /// sets the status of the contact on a give network
        void    setStatus(const int status, const string& protocol);

        /* -------------- getors --------------------*/
        /// returns default protocol
        string protocol() const;
        /// returns active protocol if one exists
        string activeProtocol() const { if (m_status == Online) return m_activeProtocol; 
else return ""; }
        /// returns the server id for the contact, depreciated.
        string serverId() const { return m_user["serverid"];}
        /// returns the contacts "real name"
        string nick() const     { if ("nick")=="") return 
m_user["serverid"]; return m_user["nick"]; }
        /// returns the status of the default protocol, depreciated     
        int    status() const   { return m_status; }
        /// returns the status of the user on the given protocol
        int        status(const string& proto) const;
        /// returns true if contact is available on any network
        bool available() const;
        /// returns true if there is an active session and if that session is 
        bool isEncrypted() const { if ((m_status == Online) && (m_crypto.get() 
!= NULL)) return true; return false; }
        /// returns wether or not the client is GM
        bool isGM() const { return m_gm; }

        /* ---------------------- misc functions ---------------------------*/
        /// Get xml node (for extending)
        XMLNode &info()  { return m_user;}
        void operator=(const Contact &other);
        friend bool operator <(const Contact& c1, const Contact& c2);


        /// a 'weak' pointer to the contact's encryption context
   weak_ptr<gmCrypto> m_crypto;
        /// the XML tree containing the current contact's information
        /// from authload
   mutable XMLNode m_user;
        /// the status of the contact, not really used
   int m_status;
        /// the protocol currently used for a session
        string m_activeProtocol;
        bool m_gm;

/// Comparation operators
bool operator==(Contact lhs,Contact rhs);

bool operator!=(Contact lhs,Contact rhs);


// -*- C++ -*-
   $Id: manager.h,v 1.5 2002/06/28 18:37:33 mentat Exp $

   GNU Messenger - The secure instant messenger

        Copyright (C) 1999-2002  Henrik Abelsson <address@hidden>
        parts Copyright (C) 2002 Jesse Lovelace <address@hidden>

   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
   (at your option) any later version.

   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   GNU General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

#include <string>
#include <vector>

#include "authload.h"
#include "protocol.h"
#include "boost/weak_ptr.hpp"

using namespace std;
using namespace boost;

  ProtocolManager - Manages a number of different protocols

  In order to make it easier to write clients this class in the only one that 
is needed to
  interace with multiple protocols. You create a stand alone protocol as usual, 
then add it
  to the manager which will then take care of routing requests and callbacks to 
the right

  Just change the protocol string depending on which protocol you're interested 

class Network;
class NetworkServer;

class ProtocolManager
   ProtocolManager(weak_ptr<AuthLoad> auth) { m_auth = auth; }
        ProtocolManager() {}
   virtual ~ProtocolManager();

    Add a new protocol
        (don't call directly.. will be called internally by the protocols)
        void addProtocol(Protocol *);

        void removeProtocol(const string& proto);

        int getState(const string &proto);
        const vector<string> protocols();
        Protocol *protocol(const string &proto);

        const string screenName(const string &proto);

        /* call periodically */
        void update(const string &proto);
        void updateAll();
        /// returns wether or not the session for that contact is a GM session
        /// and would support cryptography
        bool IsGM(const Contact& c);
        /// if the session is encrypted, will initiate a new Key Exchange, 
never throws
        void ForceKeyX(const Contact& c);
        /// if the session is encrypted, will change the local cipher type, 
never throws
        /// keysize and blocksize are in bytes
        void ChangeCipher(const Contact& c, int cipherType, int keysize = -1, 
int blocksize = -1);

 /* actions */

    This should create a new system dependant Network pointer and return it. 
It's called when a protocol
    needs a new socket.

    Also should add the Network to any event monitoring it may do.
        virtual Network *createNet(Protocol *n)=0;
        virtual NetworkServer * createServer(Protocol *proto)=0;

         /** Should ONLY remove the socket from event handling! DON'T delete it!

   virtual void removeNet(const Network *n)=0;
    Returns all Network* associated with a given protocol.
        list<Network*> getNets(const string &proto);

    Returns all Network*s currently in use.
        list<Network*> getNetsAll();

        void login(const string &proto);

        void setAway(const string& proto, const string& msg);
        void setAllAway(const string& msg);
        void setInfo(const string& proto, const string& info);
        void setAllInfo(const string& info);

        void logout(const string &proto);
        void sendMessage(const string &proto,const Contact &recipient, const string 
        void sendMessage(const string& proto, const Contact & recipient, const 
vbuf& data);
        void sendMessage(const Contact& c, const string& message);
        void sendMessage(const Contact& c, const vbuf& data);
        void addBuddy(const string &proto,const Contact &c);

        void delBuddy(const string &proto,const Contact &c);
        void getPubkey(const string &proto);
        void newUser(const string &proto);
        void customRequest(const string &proto,const XMLNode &n);
        void wipeBuddies(const string& proto);
         The login process has succeded and the client is connected
        virtual void c_loggedIn(const string &proto);

    The client has been logged out
        virtual void c_loggedOut(const string &proto);

    A message has come! Someone is interested in talking to our user
        virtual void c_recvdMessage(const string &proto,const Contact &c, const 
string &message) = 0;
        virtual void c_recvdMessageAnony(const string& protocol, const Contact& c, 
const string& message) = 0;
         The status for a contact has changed (May have gone offline, or gone 
         @see Contact
        virtual void c_statusChange(const string &proto,const Contact &c);

    An error has occured.
    @param errno The error code
    @param error Human readable error description
        virtual void c_error(const string &proto,int err_no,const string 

    Our own state (as opposed to c_statusChange for buddy states) has changed.
        virtual void c_stateChange(const string &proto,int state);
         We've gotten the servers public key (only kitprotocol)
        virtual void c_gotPubkey(const Contact& c,const string &key);

   We've gotten a buddy of the server
        virtual void c_gotBuddy(const string &proto,const Contact &c);

        virtual void c_custom(const string &proto,const XMLNode &n);

        //typedef map<string,Contact > buddy_t;

        void sendEncryptedMessage(const string& proto, const Contact& c, const 
string& mess) {}
        void sendEncryptedMessage(const string& proto, const Contact& c, const 
vbuf& data) {}

        typedef map<string,Protocol *> provider_t;
        provider_t m_provider;
        weak_ptr<AuthLoad> m_auth;
        map<Contact, shared_ptr<gmCrypto> > m_activeContacts;
        /// this would be were we had the SSH2 manager
        //map<string, > m_activeCrypto;

// -*- C++ -*-
   $Id: contact.cpp,v 1.4 2002/06/30 21:45:48 mentat Exp $

   GNU Messenger - The secure instant messenger
   Copyright (C) 1999-2002  Henrik Abelsson <address@hidden>

   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
   (at your option) any later version.

   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   GNU General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

#pragma warning(disable:4786)
#include <xmlnode.h>
#include <contact.h>

#include "contact.h"

Contact::Contact(const Contact& c)
        // this smart pointer is weak
        m_crypto = c.m_crypto;

        m_user(),m_status(Contact::Offline), m_gm(false)
Contact::Contact(XMLNode &config):
int Contact::status(const string& proto)
        if (m_user.child("protocols").hasChild(proto))
        return Contact::Offline;
void Contact::operator=(const Contact &other)
        // this smart pointer is weak
        m_crypto = other.m_crypto;

bool Contact::available()
        vector<XMLNode> nets = m_user.child("protocols").children();
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nets.size(); i++)
                if (nets[i].intProperty("status") != Offline)
                        return true;
        return false;

void Contact::setProtocol(const string& proto)
   if (!m_user.child("protocols").hasChild(proto))

void Contact::setProtocols(const map<string, string> & p)
   for (map<string,string>::const_iterator it = p.begin(); it != p.end(); it++)
       if (!m_user.child("protocols").hasChild(it->first))
it->second).setProperty("status", Contact::Offline);

string Contact::protocol() const
   if (m_user.child("protocols").const_children().size() == 0)
       return "";
       return m_user.child("protocols").const_children()[0];

void Contact::setStatus(const int status, const string& protocol)
        if (m_user.child("protocols").hasChild(protocol))

void Contact::setActiveProtocol(const string& proto)
        if (m_user.child("protocols").hasChild(proto))
                m_activeProtocol = proto;

bool operator < (const Contact& c1, const Contact& c2)
        return (c1.nick() < c2.nick());

bool operator==(Contact lhs,Contact rhs)
 return lhs.protocol() == rhs.protocol() && lhs.serverId() == rhs.serverId();

bool operator!=(Contact lhs,Contact rhs)
 return lhs.protocol() != rhs.protocol() || lhs.serverId() != rhs.serverId();


   $Id: manager.cpp,v 1.11 2002/06/28 18:34:50 mentat Exp $

   GNU Messenger - The secure instant messenger
   Copyright (C) 1999-2001  Henrik Abelsson <address@hidden>

   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
   (at your option) any later version.

   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   GNU General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

#pragma warning(disable:4786)

#include <log.h>

#include "manager.h"
#include "contact.h"
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;


void ProtocolManager::removeProtocol(const string &proto)
        Protocol * myProto = protocol(proto);
        if (!myProto)
        delete myProto;

void ProtocolManager::addProtocol(Protocol *proto)
        if (proto)
                debug() << "adding " << proto->protocol() << " to protocol manager" 
<< endl;

int ProtocolManager::getState(const string &proto)
 if (m_provider.count(proto))
   return m_provider[proto]->getState(); // needs to return
return Protocol::S_offline; }

const vector<string> ProtocolManager::protocols()
        vector<string> tmp;
        for  (provider_t::iterator i=m_provider.begin();i!=m_provider.end();i++)
        return tmp;

Protocol *ProtocolManager::protocol(const string &proto)
        if (m_provider.count(proto))
                return m_provider[proto];
        else return NULL;

const string ProtocolManager::screenName(const string &proto)
        if (m_provider.count(proto))
                return m_provider[proto]->screenName();
        return "";

void ProtocolManager::update(const string &proto)
        if (m_provider.count(proto))

void ProtocolManager::updateAll()
        for  (provider_t::iterator i=m_provider.begin();i!=m_provider.end();i++)

void ProtocolManager::setAway(const string& proto, const string& msg)
        if (m_provider.count(proto))

void ProtocolManager::setAllAway(const string& msg)
        for (provider_t::iterator i=m_provider.begin();i!=m_provider.end();i++)

void ProtocolManager::setInfo(const string& proto, const string& info)
        if (m_provider.count(proto))

void ProtocolManager::setAllInfo(const string& info)
        for (provider_t::iterator i=m_provider.begin();i!=m_provider.end();i++)

void ProtocolManager::login(const string &proto)
        if (m_provider.count(proto))

void ProtocolManager::logout(const string &proto)
        if (proto != "" && m_provider.count(proto))

void ProtocolManager::sendMessage(const string &proto,const Contact &recipient, 
const string &message)
        if (m_provider.count(proto))
void ProtocolManager::sendMessage(const string &proto,const Contact &recipient, 
const vbuf& data)
        if (m_provider.count(proto))
                m_provider[proto]->sendMessage(recipient, data);

void ProtocolManager::sendMessage(const Contact& c, const string& message)
        map<Contact, shared_ptr<gmCrypto> >::iterator it = 
        if (it != m_activeContacts.end()) // is this contact real?
                if ((it->first).available()) // are they available?
                        if ((it->first).isEncrypted()) // are they encrypted?
sendEncryptedMessage((it->first).activeProtocol(), c, message);
                                sendMessage((it->first).activeProtocol(), c, 

void ProtocolManager::sendMessage(const Contact& c, const vbuf& data)

void ProtocolManager::addBuddy(const string &proto,const Contact &c)
        if (m_provider.count(proto))

void ProtocolManager::delBuddy(const string &proto,const Contact &c)
        if (m_provider.count(proto))

void ProtocolManager::getPubkey(const string &proto)
        if (m_provider.count(proto))

void ProtocolManager::newUser(const string &proto)
        if (m_provider.count(proto))

void ProtocolManager::wipeBuddies(const string& proto)
        if (m_provider.count(proto))

void ProtocolManager::customRequest(const string &proto,const XMLNode &n)
        if (m_provider.count(proto))

void ProtocolManager::c_loggedIn(const string &proto)


void ProtocolManager::c_loggedOut(const string &proto)


void ProtocolManager::c_recvdMessage(const string &proto,const Contact &c, const 
string &message)


void ProtocolManager::c_recvdMessageAnony(const string& protocol, const Contact& c, 
const string& message)


void ProtocolManager::c_statusChange(const string &proto,const Contact &c)
        // here we should update the status of a contact
        map<Contact, shared_ptr<gmCrypto> >::iterator it = 
        if (it != m_activeContacts.end())

void ProtocolManager::c_error(const string &proto,int err_no,const string 


void ProtocolManager::c_stateChange(const string &proto,int state)


void ProtocolManager::c_gotPubkey(const Contact &c,const string &key)

void ProtocolManager::c_custom(const string &proto,const XMLNode &n)

void ProtocolManager::c_gotBuddy(const string &proto,const Contact &c)
 //if (m_provider.count(c.protocol()))

list<Network*> ProtocolManager::getNets(const string &proto)
 if (m_provider.count(proto))
   return m_provider[proto]->getNetworks();

 // temp fix for "not all paths return a value
 list<Network *> dummy;
 return dummy;

list<Network*> ProtocolManager::getNetsAll()
 list<Network *> tmp;
 for  (provider_t::const_iterator i=m_provider.begin();i!=m_provider.end();i++)
   list<Network *> nets=i->second->getNetworks();
   for (list<Network*>::const_iterator j=nets.begin();j!=nets.end();j++)
 return tmp;

        /// returns wether or not the session for that contact is a GM session
        /// and would support cryptography
bool ProtocolManager::IsGM(const Contact& c)
        map<Contact, shared_ptr<gmCrypto> >::iterator it = 
        if (it != m_activeContacts.end())
                return (it->first).isGM();
                return false;
        /// if the session is encrypted, will initiate a new Key Exchange, 
never throws
void ProtocolManager::ForceKeyX(const Contact& c)
        // this must interface ssh2 code
        /// if the session is encrypted, will change the local cipher type, 
never throws
        /// keysize and blocksize are in bytes
void ProtocolManager::ChangeCipher(const Contact& c, int cipherType, int 
keysize = -1, int blocksize = -1)
        // this must interface ssh2 code
   $Log: manager.cpp,v $
   Revision 1.11  2002/06/28 18:34:50  mentat
   SF CVS merge.

   Revision 1.2  2002/06/26 17:40:12  thementat
   Added the Open-Source ssh2 lib from Bitvise.

   Revision  2002/06/06 17:21:48  thementat
   Checkin of new sources BETA 2

   Revision 1.9  2001/12/16 19:46:50  mentat
   Updates to TOC protocol and authload class.

   Revision 1.8  2001/12/13 17:24:54  mentat
   Manager now returns Protocol::s_Offline if the protocol isnt loaded.

   Revision 1.7  2001/12/06 04:46:40  mentat
   Added setAway() and setAllAway(...) to manager class and to toc protocol, 
also added changes to toc so that will log in with wx client.

   Revision 1.6  2001/11/24 00:32:44  henrik
   Addcontact dialog restructuring, chat improvements, login/logout 

   Revision 1.5  2001/10/05 14:11:00  abelsson
   Added debug() macro for debug output.

   Revision 1.4  2001/10/02 22:51:57  estyrke
   Added some more boilerplates...


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