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Re: [Gluster-devel] [Gluster-users] uWSGI plugin and some question

From: John Mark Walker
Subject: Re: [Gluster-devel] [Gluster-users] uWSGI plugin and some question
Date: Mon, 29 Jul 2013 14:07:32 -0400

Hi Roberto,

Wow, this looks really awesome - thank you so much for taking the time to do this.

I am copying the gluster-devel list, as they may have some insight into the more dev-centric questions.

Also, if you're so inclined, please consider mirroring your project on the Gluster Community Forge, which is the standard place for all Gluster-y things to be developed:

John Mark
Gluster Community Leader

On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 11:36 AM, Roberto De Ioris <address@hidden> wrote:

Hi everyone, i have just committed a plugin for the uWSGI application server
for exposing glusterfs filesystems using the new native api:

Currently it is very simple, but works really well.

I have studied the whole api, and i have two questions:

why there is no glfs_stat_async() ?

if i understand the code well, even stat() is a blocking operation.

My objective is avoiding the use of threads and processes and use the
uWSGI async api to implement a non blocking-approach (mixable with other
engines like gevent or Coro::AnyEvent)

Another thing is the bison/yacc nameclash. uWSGI allows you to load
various external libraries and the use of the default 'yy' prefix causes
nameclashes with common libraries (like matheval).

I understand that matheval too should choose a better approach, but why
not prefixing it like glusterfsyy ? This would avoid headaches, even for
when people will start using the library in higher level languages.

Currently i have tried the YFLAGS env var hack for ./configure but it did
not work (i am using bison)

YFLAGS="-Dapi.prefix=glusterfsyy -d" ./configure --prefix=/opt/glusterfs/

Thanks a lot for your attention

Roberto De Ioris
Gluster-users mailing list

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