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Re: [Gluster-devel] infinband client io hangs when one brick fails

From: Mickey Mazarick
Subject: Re: [Gluster-devel] infinband client io hangs when one brick fails
Date: Fri, 29 Feb 2008 06:48:52 -0500
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20071031)

Please ignore this we just ran some tests and it's actually the infiniband bonding scripts that are messing this up.

My apologies, please disregard.


Mickey Mazarick wrote:
Sorry to be annoying today, but while I'm reporting bugs, I've noticed that when you use ib-verbs a client will hang forever when an afr/unify volume goes down.

The logs show:
2008-02-29 06:00:56 W [client-protocol.c:4520:client_protocol_cleanup] main4: cleaning up state in transport object 0x51a6e0 2008-02-29 06:00:56 E [client-protocol.c:4572:client_protocol_cleanup] main4: forced unwinding frame type(0) op(34) address@hidden 2008-02-29 06:00:56 C [ib-verbs.c:1458:ib_verbs_disconnect] transport/ib-verbs: main4: peer disconnected, cleaning up 2008-02-29 06:00:56 W [client-protocol.c:294:client_protocol_xfer] main4: attempting to pipeline request type(0) op(34) with handshake 2008-02-29 06:01:01 W [client-protocol.c:294:client_protocol_xfer] main4: attempting to pipeline request type(0) op(34) with handshake 2008-02-29 06:02:01 W [client-protocol.c:294:client_protocol_xfer] main4: attempting to pipeline request type(0) op(34) with handshake

Any io just waits until that volume is back online. I can stop any brick with the same result.
This works great with tcp, ibverbs seems to be hanging only.

Thanks again!

-Mickey Mazarick

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