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[Glug-nith-discuss] Re: Glug-nith-discuss Digest, Vol 6, Issue 2

From: Satyajit Sarangi
Subject: [Glug-nith-discuss] Re: Glug-nith-discuss Digest, Vol 6, Issue 2
Date: Sun, 3 Jun 2007 13:29:49 -0400

Seems like I might sound a bit out of place in this discussion but
then I have a few opinions of my own.... as always... ( :0)..

1) What is it that you guyz are aiming for ???
       - is it like that everyone on campus should use gnu/linux..
       - or is it that everyone should understand what open-source
actually means..

2) What I understand from all the discussions from this forum is that
you guyz only want people to adopt linux without making people
understand what it is good for ?

3) Here in US i can understand the fact and advantage of using open
source software since you don't have to buy a lot of software since
piracy here is taken seriously. But in india its still like that only.
most ppl use some version of pirated software. So how do u get them to
understand the advantages of linux.

4) a lot of ppl have claims that windows is more userfriendly than
linux. U should try to show them what exactly this means.... I mean
how linux is better than all this.

5) Most of all I feel rather than just have a strong community where u
guys just promote some version of fedora, ubuntu or linux I would
suggest that you guys start more stronger development community. I
know all of you are involved individually in some form of open-source
projects but what the ppl from our college need is more exposure to
its advantages, the feel of how it is to tweak with kernels in linux
and learn more on linux development.

  I feel this kind of a community will be more helpful though it will
leave out a lot of ppl but then a stronger development community
should be better than ppl who just want to use linux for watching
movies etc.

Seems like i said a lot of wierd things but its definitely what u guys
should think about. Specially goes out to vivek and debarshi, rishi,
arjun, chacha_chaudhury..
sorry.. am using the irc nicks.

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