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[gfsd] frank

From: Sue Perez
Subject: [gfsd] frank
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2006 05:58:00 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060909)

If it wasn't the smiles of the babies which broke the ice, it was their names.
But how can I know what beauty and fullness Truman experiences in the discovery of that bright light outside the window?
Everett puts the word "bird" on the end of every bird name, so it's "heron bird" and "jay bird" and "robin bird.
Heck, I'd even bake cupcakes for displaced Louisianans and Mississippians.
Instead I talked of the possibility I might start work soon, how much I loved the nanny share I'd had with Everett.
I've been dealing with a wicked sugar-butter-chocolate craving, nothing can feed it in quite the right way.
But that barn was alive to me, it was more than a friend, it was the very soul of Loudon County.
She asked us a logistical question, and I wanted to scream. We can make a quilt square for an auction, or join in a rummage sale with proceeds going to victims. We can make a quilt square for an auction, or join in a rummage sale with proceeds going to victims. In my final analysis, I've decided that it's impossible to keep your kids from swearing unless you, yourself, have never been a swearing type. There's "those are not my CHOICES! In our family lexicon, we don't have horsey rides, it's "riding the range" from the Backyardigans.
That cannot, must not, change. I'm also considering having "computer vacations" on Thursdays until I get a job - no email, no internet, no blogging from the time we leave for preschool 'til Daddy gets home from work.
And I've already lost him as a teensy baby. Our fearless leaders were all on an airplane, headed for the West Coast for some conference or other.
I've always secretly and not-so-secretly dreamed of being a food writer. Your family lexicon represents your time, your place, your lifestyle, your culture, your choices.
I recently confessed to taking very few showers on Blogging Baby. It was really nice and not at all relaxing, and as I was sitting in class an essay was building in my head.
I wondered if it had been a bad idea to do announcements first.
What words will your kids likely never learn? I'm just pretty terrible at all the rest.
Immediately I could taste them, a cookie my sisters and I made hundreds of times growing up.
While Everett and I were walking home from Trader Joe's today, I realized that we're developing our lexicon, piece by piece. He'd have to switch to the National Guard.
I recently confessed to taking very few showers on Blogging Baby.
It was really nice and not at all relaxing, and as I was sitting in class an essay was building in my head.
My shoulders screamed out for cleansing breaths, for presence, for downward dog. This was the only day off for the last working mama.
He gamely showered and helped pack up the car, but his heart wasn't in it. Everett has been growing up by leaps and bounds lately. Should I feel guilty? Do my interactions "count"? Well, I started talking about it, frequently reminding him sharply to watch his "lanGUAGE! We talked about plugged ducts, and tantrums from older siblings. Everett puts the word "bird" on the end of every bird name, so it's "heron bird" and "jay bird" and "robin bird.
So I waited, and wondered, and worried just a bit. Throughout my career, writing has always been there, keeping me on top.

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