I'm looking to hack on gforge, I've been looking at the CVS and the debs
I created (anyone having trouble with docbook-to-man in sid BTW?) and
have made up a few notes and areas that need working on (although not
all of them I can do myself). If you want any of them done, I will do
them and provide full diffs.
#1. php4-mcrypt does not appear to be used (rgrepd the tree), remove
deps & checking.
#2. If passwords don't match in user rego some data is lost (timezone &
#3. Welcome page for new users appears malformed in Opera - is this a
theme issue?
#4. LDAP stuff should be changed: SF_Robot => GF_robot (gforge_robot?)
#5. Remove all obsylete sourceforge and debian-sf refrences (mainly
URL's & mailing list refs) - www/stats/i18n.php utils/groupcreator i18n
files debian/README.Multipack debian/README.Maintainer AUTHORS
#6. What's the status of postfix support?
Hostnames used:
1. (www.)$DOMAIN <http://www.)$DOMAIN> *HAS SSL*
2. cvs.$DOMAIN
3. download.$DOMAIN
4. lists.$DOMAIN *HAS SSL*
www and lists CANNOT be on the same IP address, the rest can be split
however wanted. This is because no more then 1 SSL site can be on one IP
address -- This is just a cliarification of a message in package
#8. Cookie login? (see savannah) - ie. User clicks a checkbox and login
is remembered on that box
#9. Update SSL warning from savannah? - Use user agent to remove warning
from known good user agents (opera & ...) (Login page)
#10. sf admin user settings - Should be something like "Local GForge
Administrator" not "sourceforge admin"
#11. The install guide for newbies needs updating (due to rename...),
also appears not to be in debs. Should be split into two docs, one for
debian-sf 2.5, one for gforge 3.0?
#12. is the sf=>gf package needed for 2.6->3.0 migrations or only for
2.5->3.0 migrations?
#13. ldap schemas, DO NOT COMMENT OUT ANY OTHER SCHEMA's, (big LDAP
hosts etc. need them) ONLY add the sf schema (and any of the standard
ones that are needed but are missing).
#14. SSL certificates, are they generated by the package of not?
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