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Re: Display greeting in REPL buffer before process starts

From: Jose A. Ortega Ruiz
Subject: Re: Display greeting in REPL buffer before process starts
Date: Sat, 20 Mar 2021 21:41:06 +0000
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/28.0.50 (gnu/linux)


On Sat, Mar 20 2021, Dmitry Matveyev wrote:

> Hi, I'm trying to revive and improve Gerbil integration with Geiser.

That's great news, thanks!

> Gerbil's interpreter is run with `gxi -` with `-` being simultaneously
> "run in interactive mode" and "do not load init file". So I load file
> manually here:
> But init file also shows a greeting message with `(displayln
> gerbil-greeting)` which is not displayed in Geiser. Could I get any
> suggestions on how to show this greeting message in REPL before prompt
> `>`?

When you use geiser-load-file (check its definition in
geiser-compile.el), any output from that command is parsed as an
evaluation response, and not displayed in the repl.  If you want to
capture messages you could use the low-level geiser-eval--send/wait,
and process its result.  Maybe Guile's startup function(s) will give you
an idea of how:

there, guile is setting a variable, not loading anything, but the idea
would be the same: you specify a form to evaluate that loads the file
(the 'code'), use geiser-eval--send/wait, and parse its result (the
message will be under a key named "output")... that, however, won't
print that message in the REPL buffer by itself, you'd need to.

But i am thinking that a much easier way to do this might be simply to
invoke gxi with flags to the effect of loading the file you're
interested in.  You can specify a 'binary' function that computes
them. The advantage is that, when calling the binary (with any flags),
stdout is still redirected to the REPL.  See

(the value returned by the 'binary' method can be a list, instead of a
single string).

Art is the elimination of the unnecessary.
 -Pablo Picasso, painter, and sculptor (1881-1973)

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