<vkz> hi. I use geiser to work my way through some project written in guile
scheme. All files in the same directory, in fact in the same git
repo. All with ".scm" extensions. Yet for some files geiser-mode doesn't
start. Even though the value of `geiser-implementations-alist' correctly
maps .scm to guile. I can fix this by explicitly adding project dir to
geiser--alist of course, but something isn't right here. Also, M-. fails
to find [11:25]
<vkz> definitions in the the same project :(
<vkz> geiser-implementations-alist (((regexp "\\.scm$") guile) ((regexp <vkz>
<vkz> would appreciate some assistance in fixing this. Particularly the
M-. missing stuff that's there. Without it I'll rgrep myself to the
grave :( [11:28]
<vkz> oh, it seems geiser doesn't consult geiser-implementations-alist at
all. I just added the directory explicitly by running: [11:44]
<vkz> [11:45]
<vkz> (add-to-list 'geiser-implementations-alist
<vkz> '((dir "/Users/vkz/work/guile-scsh") guile))
<vkz> and it still doesn't start on many scm files