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Re: [Gdb] Michael C --gcc

From: Michael Elizabeth Chastain
Subject: Re: [Gdb] Michael C --gcc
Date: Sun, 2 Mar 2003 19:28:47 -0600

This looks like a simple issue with --prefix and $PATH.

Make sure that:

  you configure gcc with "--prefix ..."
  you install the new gcc with 'make install'
  your $PATH includs ".../bin:...", the bin directory of your install path

For example, if you configure gcc with "--prefix=/a/b/c/gcc-3.2.2",
then $PATH should include "/a/b/c/gcc-3.2.2/bin".

After you do these things, try 'gcc -v' and 'gcc --version'.
You should see the new 3.2.2 version.

> ld: fatal: library - lstdc++: not found
> ld: fatal: library - lgcc_s: not found
> ld: fatal: library - lgcc: not found
> ld: fatal: File processing errors. No output written to new

-lstdc++ is not part of gcc 3 any more (It's not -lstdc++-v3).
That leads me to think you did an incomplete gcc install.

> I had previously run make clean and makd distclean on gcc-3.2.2.

You have to 'make install' to *install* the compiler before you use it.
You can't just build the compiler and use it out of the build directory
(it sounds like you are trying that).  That works with 'make' and 'gdb'
because they have basically just one file, but gcc has a lot of files
including both libraries and executables, so it needs to be installed.

Michael C

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