=============================================== BUILDING NATIVE WIN32 GNU COMMON LISP FROM CVS =============================================== The preferred build host system for the Mingw32 compiler is MSYS. I use gcc version 3.3.1 and binutils 2.14.90, but earlier versions of gcc back to 2.95 are OK provided that you remove the "-fno-zero-initialized-in-bss" flag in "h/mingw.defs" before running "configure". Note that gcc 3.3.3 and gcc 3.4.0 do NOT work; likewise binutils 2.13.90 and 2.15.90. The working binutils version can be found at: http://gd.tuwien.ac.at/gnu/mingw/binutils-2.14.90-20030612-1.tar.gz =============================================== INSTALL AND CONFIGURE TORTOISE CVS =============================================== Download Tortoise CVS from: http://www.tortoisecvs.org/ After downloading, install Tortoise CVS and included programs, accepting default installation directories. =============================================== DOWNLOAD CVS FOR GCL =============================================== Choose a directory to which you will download (check out) of the GCL CVS (I created c:\_cvs). Enter the directory created and right click. The context menu will show `CVS checkout' as a context menu itemu. Choose the 'CVS checkout' context menu item. You should be presented with a dialogue box titled 'TortoiseCVS-Checkout Module'. Under the 'Module' tab, enter the following: For Protocol, enter :pserver For `server', enter cvs.savannah.gnu.org For `Repository folder', enter /sources/gcl For `User name', enter anonymous On the right side of the dialog box, for `Module', enter gcl Under the 'Revision' tab: Select the 'Choose branch or tag' radio button Select the 'Update list...' button Open the 'Branch or tag name:' drop down list and select the version you want to build Under the 'Options' tab: Check the `Use UNIX line ending' box Choose the 'Enter your own folder name' radio button In the 'Custom folder name:' field, enter the name of the folder you desire to be created (for example, 'gcl-2.6.7' to match the version to be built) Now, click again on `Module' tab. Click on OK. You should see that tortoise CVS is checking out GCL from CVS repo. More information on CVS access is available here http://savannah.gnu.org/cvs/?group=gcl =============================================== INSTALLING BUILD TOOLS (MinGW, MSYS) =============================================== BUILD TOOLS Subject to the above warnings, it is usually a good idea to keep up to date with Mingw32 and MSYS. Updates for various parts of these packages are available on the web site. Go to http://www.mingw.org/download.shtml and download http://prdownloads.sf.net/mingw/MinGW-3.1.0-1.exe?download http://prdownloads.sf.net/mingw/MSYS-1.0.9.exe?download http://prdownloads.sf.net/mingw/msysDTK-1.0.1.exe?download http://prdownloads.sf.net/mingw/gcc-core-3.3.1-20030804-1.tar.gz?download Install these files in the same order as above. Accept the default locations. GCC-CORE-3.3.1-20038041.tar.gz' should be extracted into c:/mingw and overwrites the older version of gcc. When you are done, you should be able to start MSYS and a get the '$' prompt (customized for your machine name and your username, if active) To check the installation, type 'gcc -v' at the prompt. If all was installed properly you should see: gcc version 3.3.1 (mingw special 20030804-1) =============================================== BUILDING GCL USING MSYS AS THE HOST =============================================== At the MSYS '$' prompt, change to your GCL source directory eg: cd /c/_cvs/gcl-2.6.7 You are now ready to configure GCL: If you want to build the CLTL1 variant, type: ./configure --prefix="c:/gcl" > configure.log 2>&1 If you want to build the ANSI variant, type: ./configure --prefix="c:/gcl" > --enable-ansi configure.log 2>&1 Change the prefix directory as required for your desired final installation path. I find it helpful to redirect output from "configure" and "make" into log files for debugging and checking. Check the log. If no errors, Type: make >& make.log The "saved_gcl.exe" (or "saved_ansi_gcl.exe") should turn up eventually in the unixport directory (inside the \lib\gcl-x.x.x directory of the final installation directory). You can try it out directly inside the MSYS shell by typing the following at the MSYS command prompt. ./unixport/saved_gcl.exe To install, type the following at the MSYS command prompt: make install >& install.log - The batch file "gclm.bat" can be used to make a Windows desktop shortcut. (NOTE: I have not been able to make this batch file work [djw]) - BFD fasloading, Stratified Garbage Collection (SGC) readline and GCL-TK don't work under Windows. The configuration options above provide a "traditional" GCL executable which will build the current CVS version of Maxima. The BFD option will depend on someone with knowledge of BFD and PE-COFF linking fixing some problems with the BFD library - I am slowly absorbing the info needed, but we really need input from an expert. My inclination is to stick with custom relocation as BFD is less efficient. =============================================== INSTALLING GCL INFORMATION ACCESSIBLE FROM GCL INTERPRETER =============================================== Download "gcl.info.tgz" from ftp://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/gcl/ Make the following directory path and unpack the downloaded file into C:\usr\local\gnu\info =============================================== RUNNING GCL =============================================== You can move the final installation folder (for example, "GCL-2.6.7-ANSI") anywhere on your hard drive (typically, c:\program files). Create a shortcut to the executable (either "saved_gcl.exe" or "saved_ansi_gcl.exe") and assign to it the icon located in the \bin directory. You can then move the shortcut to anywhere (the 'Start' menu or your 'Quick Launch' menu). Double click the icon to launch GCL. =============================================== CONFIGURE GCL TO RUN IN INFERIOR MODE UNDER EMACS =============================================== Follow directions provided by Gordon Novak Jr. at: http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/novak/gclwin.html =============================================== Mike Thomas 15 June 2004 (Updates and modifications by Don Winiecki, 1:06 PM 1/1/2008, using information provided by Mike Thomas, Camm Maguire, Gaby Dos Reis, Gordon Novak Jr. and Bill Page (http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/axiom-developer/2003-10/msg00227.html))