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[Gcl-devel] Re: system, load-time-value

From: Debian User
Subject: [Gcl-devel] Re: system, load-time-value
Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2004 11:49:01 +0000

        >       > When I tried to load common-lisp-controller.lisp,
        >       > I found out that LOAD-TIME-VALUE doesn't work in the
        >       Yes, I have a near-complete implementation based on
        >       ADDRESS and NANI as yet uncommitted pending our release
        >       of the stable branch as 2.6.2.  We need this to fix a
        >       literal object copying ansi error in 'compile.
        > Great!  It'll be needed for common-lisp-controller to work.

        So this is required for this functionality?

Apparantly!  I looked at the one place it is used, but could
not figure out why it is needed.

(defun load-time-value (obj) obj)
(load "common-lisp-controller.lisp") ; or ~.o instead of ~.lisp

from top-level seems to work both from source code and compiled
code.  Of course that is just a plain ugly hack :-) With some
fboundp checking in the top-level is should be enough...

$ apt-get install common-lisp-controller # if you haven't already...
$ grep -C 2 load-time-value 

(defvar *fasl-type*
    (compile-file-pathname "foo.lisp")))

Obviously it has to do with compile-file-pathname, but I still
don't see the cause behind it.

I may have some time the forthcoming weekend to implement and
test it.


Dennis Decker Jensen

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