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Re: [Gcl-devel] Re: Flushing the d-cache (was Re: BFD relocations)

From: Camm Maguire
Subject: Re: [Gcl-devel] Re: Flushing the d-cache (was Re: BFD relocations)
Date: 17 Jun 2002 11:48:24 -0400

Greetings!  The function is fasload.  Here is the assembly.  Note the
swi call, followed shortly by a call to call_init.  This function
basically jumps to the initial address of the newly loaded and
relocated object.

Again, as is this is working about at the 95% level.  SIGILL received
toward end of maxima tests, at a point which gdb reports should be no
problem, indicating a likely cache-flushing issue.

Thanks for your help!

        .stabn 68,0,168,.LM40-fasload
        @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 344
        @ frame_needed = 1, current_function_anonymous_args = 0
        mov     ip, sp
        stmfd   sp!, {r4, fp, ip, lr, pc}
        sub     fp, ip, #4
        sub     sp, sp, #352
        str     r0, [fp, #-20]
        .stabn 68,0,172,.LM41-fasload
        mvn     r3, #0
        str     r3, [fp, #-284]
        .stabn 68,0,174,.LM42-fasload
        mov     r3, #0
        str     r3, [fp, #-292]
        str     r3, [fp, #-296]
        .stabn 68,0,175,.LM43-fasload
        ldr     r3, .L88
        ldr     r3, [r3, #0]
        str     r3, [fp, #-300]
        .stabn 68,0,176,.LM44-fasload
        ldr     r3, .L88+4
        ldr     r3, [r3, #0]
        str     r3, [fp, #-304]
        .stabn 68,0,187,.LM45-fasload
        ldr     r3, .L88+8
        ldr     r3, [r3, #0]
        cmp     r3, #0
        bne     .L50
        .stabn 68,0,189,.LM46-fasload
        mov     r2, #1
        ldr     r3, .L88+8
        str     r2, [r3, #0]
        .stabn 68,0,191,.LM47-fasload
        mov     r2, #16
        ldr     r3, .L88+12
        strb    r2, [r3, #0]
        .stabn 68,0,192,.LM48-fasload
        mov     r2, #0
        strb    r2, [r3, #28]
        .stabn 68,0,193,.LM49-fasload
        mov     r2, #0
        str     r2, [r3, #12]
        str     r2, [r3, #8]
        .stabn 68,0,195,.LM50-fasload
        ldr     r2, .L88+16
        ldr     r3, .L88+20
        str     r2, [r3, #0]
        .stabn 68,0,196,.LM51-fasload
        ldr     r2, .L88+24
        str     r2, [r3, #4]
        .stabn 68,0,197,.LM52-fasload
        ldr     r2, .L88+28
        str     r2, [r3, #8]
        .stabn 68,0,198,.LM53-fasload
        ldr     r2, .L88+32
        str     r2, [r3, #12]
        .stabn 68,0,199,.LM54-fasload
        ldr     r2, .L88+36
        str     r2, [r3, #16]
        .stabn 68,0,200,.LM55-fasload
        ldr     r2, .L88+40
        str     r2, [r3, #20]
        .stabn 68,0,201,.LM56-fasload
        ldr     r2, .L88+44
        str     r2, [r3, #24]
        .stabn 68,0,202,.LM57-fasload
        ldr     r2, .L88+48
        str     r2, [r3, #28]
        .stabn 68,0,203,.LM58-fasload
        ldr     r2, .L88+52
        str     r2, [r3, #32]
        .stabn 68,0,204,.LM59-fasload
        ldr     r2, .L88+56
        str     r2, [r3, #36]
        .stabn 68,0,205,.LM60-fasload
        ldr     r2, .L88+60
        str     r2, [r3, #40]
        .stabn 68,0,206,.LM61-fasload
        ldr     r2, .L88+20
        ldr     r3, .L88+64
        str     r2, [r3, #0]
        .stabn 68,0,208,.LM62-fasload
        mov     r2, #1
        ldr     r3, .L88+68
        str     r2, [r3, #4]
        .stabn 68,0,212,.LM63-fasload
        ldr     r0, [fp, #-20]
        sub     r1, fp, #280
        bl      coerce_to_filename
        .stabn 68,0,214,.LM64-fasload
        sub     r0, fp, #280
        mov     r1, #0
        bl      bfd_openr
        mov     r3, r0
        str     r3, [fp, #-308]
        ldr     r3, [fp, #-308]
        cmp     r3, #0
        bne     .L51
        .stabn 68,0,215,.LM65-fasload
        ldr     r0, .L88+72
        bl      FEerror
        .stabn 68,0,216,.LM66-fasload
        ldr     r0, [fp, #-308]
        mov     r1, #1
        bl      bfd_check_format
        mov     r3, r0
        cmp     r3, #0
        bne     .L52
        .stabn 68,0,217,.LM67-fasload
        ldr     r0, .L88+76
        bl      FEerror
        .stabn 68,0,219,.LM68-fasload
        mov     r3, #0
        str     r3, [fp, #-292]
        .stabn 68,0,220,.LM69-fasload
        ldr     r3, [fp, #-308]
        ldr     r3, [r3, #84]
        str     r3, [fp, #-324]
        ldr     r3, [fp, #-324]
        cmp     r3, #0
        bne     .L56
        b       .L54
        .stabn 68,0,222,.LM70-fasload
        ldr     r2, [fp, #-308]
        ldr     r3, [fp, #-324]
        str     r2, [r3, #116]
        .stabn 68,0,223,.LM71-fasload
        ldr     r2, [fp, #-324]
        str     r2, [fp, #-348]
        ldr     r3, [fp, #-324]
        ldr     r3, [r3, #16]
        and     r3, r3, #1
        cmp     r3, #0
        bne     .L57
        ldr     r3, [fp, #-308]
        ldr     r3, [r3, #84]
        str     r3, [fp, #-352]
        b       .L58
        ldr     r3, [fp, #-324]
        str     r3, [fp, #-352]
        ldr     r3, [fp, #-352]
        ldr     r2, [fp, #-348]
        str     r3, [r2, #44]
        .stabn 68,0,224,.LM72-fasload
        mov     r2, #0
        ldr     r3, [fp, #-324]
        str     r2, [r3, #40]
        .stabn 68,0,226,.LM73-fasload
        ldr     r3, [fp, #-324]
        ldr     r3, [r3, #16]
        and     r3, r3, #1
        cmp     r3, #0
        bne     .L59
        .stabn 68,0,227,.LM74-fasload
        b       .L55
        .stabn 68,0,229,.LM75-fasload
        ldr     r3, [fp, #-324]
        ldr     r2, [r3, #48]
        ldr     r3, [fp, #-296]
        cmp     r3, r2
        bcs     .L60
        .stabn 68,0,230,.LM76-fasload
        ldr     r3, [fp, #-324]
        ldr     r3, [r3, #48]
        str     r3, [fp, #-296]
        .stabn 68,0,232,.LM77-fasload
        ldr     r3, [fp, #-324]
        ldr     r2, [r3, #48]
        mov     r3, #1
        mov     r3, r3, asl r2
        ldr     r0, [fp, #-292]
        mov     r1, r3
        bl      round_up
        mov     r3, r0
        str     r3, [fp, #-292]
        .stabn 68,0,234,.LM78-fasload
        ldr     r3, [fp, #-324]
        ldr     r2, [r3, #36]
        ldr     r3, [fp, #-292]
        add     r3, r3, r2
        str     r3, [fp, #-292]
        .stabn 68,0,220,.LM79-fasload
        ldr     r3, [fp, #-324]
        ldr     r3, [r3, #12]
        str     r3, [fp, #-324]
        b       .L53
        .stabn 68,0,237,.LM80-fasload
        mov     r2, #1
        ldr     r3, [fp, #-296]
        mov     r3, r2, asl r3
        str     r3, [fp, #-296]
        .stabn 68,0,239,.LM81-fasload
        mov     r0, #27
        bl      alloc_object
        mov     r3, r0
        str     r3, [fp, #-288]
        .stabn 68,0,240,.LM82-fasload
        mov     r2, #0
        ldr     r3, [fp, #-288]
        str     r2, [r3, #16]
        .stabn 68,0,241,.LM83-fasload
        ldr     r3, [fp, #-288]
        str     r2, [r3, #4]
        .stabn 68,0,242,.LM84-fasload
        ldr     r2, [fp, #-288]
        str     r2, [fp, #-356]
        ldr     r3, [fp, #-292]
        str     r3, [fp, #-360]
        ldr     r3, [fp, #-296]
        cmp     r3, #4
        bls     .L61
        ldr     r3, [fp, #-296]
        ldr     r2, [fp, #-360]
        add     r2, r2, r3
        str     r2, [fp, #-360]
        ldr     r2, [fp, #-360]
        ldr     r3, [fp, #-356]
        str     r2, [r3, #8]
        .stabn 68,0,244,.LM85-fasload
        ldr     r4, [fp, #-288]
        ldr     r3, [fp, #-288]
        ldr     r0, [r3, #8]
        bl      alloc_contblock
        str     r0, [r4, #4]
        .stabn 68,0,245,.LM86-fasload
        ldr     r3, [fp, #-288]
        ldr     r3, [r3, #4]
        str     r3, [fp, #-332]
        str     r3, [fp, #-328]
        .stabn 68,0,247,.LM87-fasload
        ldr     r0, [fp, #-332]
        ldr     r1, [fp, #-296]
        bl      round_up
        mov     r3, r0
        str     r3, [fp, #-332]
        .stabn 68,0,248,.LM88-fasload
        ldr     r2, [fp, #-332]
        ldr     r3, [fp, #-328]
        rsb     r2, r3, r2
        ldr     r3, [fp, #-288]
        ldr     r3, [r3, #8]
        rsb     r2, r2, r3
        ldr     r3, [fp, #-288]
        str     r2, [r3, #8]
        .stabn 68,0,249,.LM89-fasload
        ldr     r2, [fp, #-332]
        ldr     r3, [fp, #-288]
        str     r2, [r3, #4]
        .stabn 68,0,251,.LM90-fasload
        ldr     r3, [fp, #-288]
        ldr     r0, [r3, #4]
        mov     r1, #0
        ldr     r3, [fp, #-288]
        ldr     r2, [r3, #8]
        bl      memset
        .stabn 68,0,253,.LM91-fasload
        ldr     r3, [fp, #-332]
        str     r3, [fp, #-336]
        ldr     r3, [fp, #-308]
        ldr     r3, [r3, #84]
        str     r3, [fp, #-324]
        ldr     r3, [fp, #-324]
        cmp     r3, #0
        bne     .L65
        b       .L63
        .stabn 68,0,255,.LM92-fasload
        ldr     r3, [fp, #-324]
        ldr     r3, [r3, #16]
        and     r3, r3, #1
        cmp     r3, #0
        bne     .L66
        .stabn 68,0,256,.LM93-fasload
        b       .L64
        .stabn 68,0,258,.LM94-fasload
        ldr     r3, [fp, #-324]
        ldr     r2, [r3, #48]
        mov     r3, #1
        mov     r3, r3, asl r2
        ldr     r0, [fp, #-336]
        mov     r1, r3
        bl      round_up
        mov     r3, r0
        str     r3, [fp, #-336]
        .stabn 68,0,259,.LM95-fasload
        ldr     r3, [fp, #-324]
        ldr     r2, [r3, #44]
        ldr     r3, [fp, #-336]
        str     r3, [r2, #24]
        .stabn 68,0,260,.LM96-fasload
        ldr     r3, [fp, #-324]
        ldr     r2, [r3, #36]
        ldr     r3, [fp, #-336]
        add     r3, r3, r2
        str     r3, [fp, #-336]
        .stabn 68,0,253,.LM97-fasload
        ldr     r3, [fp, #-324]
        ldr     r3, [r3, #12]
        str     r3, [fp, #-324]
        b       .L62
        .stabn 68,0,264,.LM98-fasload
        ldr     r3, [fp, #-308]
        ldr     r3, [r3, #4]
        ldr     r3, [r3, #244]
        ldr     r0, [fp, #-308]
        mov     lr, pc
        mov     pc, r3
        str     r0, [fp, #-312]
        .stabn 68,0,266,.LM99-fasload
        ldr     r3, [fp, #-312]
        add     r3, r3, #3
        mov     r3, r3, lsr #2
        mov     r3, r3, asl #2
        rsb     sp, r3, sp
        add     r3, sp, #8
        str     r3, [fp, #-320]
        .stabn 68,0,267,.LM100-fasload
        ldr     r3, [fp, #-308]
        ldr     r3, [r3, #4]
        ldr     r3, [r3, #248]
        ldr     r0, [fp, #-308]
        ldr     r1, [fp, #-320]
        mov     lr, pc
        mov     pc, r3
        str     r0, [fp, #-316]
        .stabn 68,0,269,.LM101-fasload
        mov     r3, #0
        str     r3, [fp, #-312]
        ldr     r2, [fp, #-312]
        ldr     r3, [fp, #-316]
        cmp     r2, r3
        bcc     .L72
        b       .L70
        .stabn 68,0,273,.LM102-fasload
        ldr     r3, [fp, #-312]
        mov     r2, r3, asl #2
        ldr     r3, [fp, #-320]
        add     r3, r2, r3
        ldr     r3, [r3, #0]
        ldr     r0, .L88+80
        ldr     r1, [r3, #4]
        mov     r2, #5
        bl      strncmp
        mov     r3, r0
        cmp     r3, #0
        bne     .L73
        .stabn 68,0,274,.LM103-fasload
        ldr     r3, [fp, #-312]
        mov     r2, r3, asl #2
        ldr     r3, [fp, #-320]
        add     r3, r2, r3
        ldr     r3, [r3, #0]
        ldr     r3, [r3, #8]
        str     r3, [fp, #-284]
        .stabn 68,0,275,.LM104-fasload
        b       .L71
        .stabn 68,0,278,.LM105-fasload
        ldr     r3, [fp, #-312]
        mov     r2, r3, asl #2
        ldr     r3, [fp, #-320]
        add     r3, r2, r3
        ldr     r2, [r3, #0]
        mov     r3, #1
        str     r3, [sp, #0]
        ldr     r3, .L88+64
        ldr     r0, [r3, #72]
        ldr     r1, [r2, #4]
        mov     r2, #0
        mov     r3, #0
        bl      bfd_link_hash_lookup
        mov     r3, r0
        str     r3, [fp, #-340]
        ldr     r3, [fp, #-340]
        cmp     r3, #0
        bne     .L74
        .stabn 68,0,279,.LM106-fasload
        b       .L71
        .stabn 68,0,281,.LM107-fasload
        ldr     r3, [fp, #-340]
        ldr     r3, [r3, #12]
        cmp     r3, #3
        beq     .L75
        .stabn 68,0,282,.LM108-fasload
        ldr     r0, .L88+84
        bl      FEerror
        .stabn 68,0,284,.LM109-fasload
        ldr     r3, [fp, #-340]
        ldr     r3, [r3, #24]
        cmp     r3, #0
        beq     .L76
        .stabn 68,0,285,.LM110-fasload
        ldr     r3, [fp, #-312]
        mov     r2, r3, asl #2
        ldr     r3, [fp, #-320]
        add     r3, r2, r3
        ldr     r0, [r3, #0]
        ldr     r3, [fp, #-340]
        ldr     r1, [r3, #24]
        ldr     r3, [fp, #-340]
        ldr     r2, [r3, #20]
        ldr     r3, [r1, #24]
        add     r3, r2, r3
        str     r3, [r0, #8]
        .stabn 68,0,286,.LM111-fasload
        ldr     r3, [fp, #-312]
        mov     r2, r3, asl #2
        ldr     r3, [fp, #-320]
        add     r3, r2, r3
        ldr     r1, [r3, #0]
        ldr     r3, [fp, #-312]
        mov     r2, r3, asl #2
        ldr     r3, [fp, #-320]
        add     r3, r2, r3
        ldr     r3, [r3, #0]
        ldr     r3, [r3, #12]
        orr     r3, r3, #128
        str     r3, [r1, #12]
        b       .L71
        .stabn 68,0,288,.LM112-fasload
        ldr     r0, .L88+88
        bl      FEerror
        .stabn 68,0,269,.LM113-fasload
        ldr     r3, [fp, #-312]
        add     r3, r3, #1
        str     r3, [fp, #-312]
        b       .L69
        .stabn 68,0,292,.LM114-fasload
        ldr     r3, [fp, #-308]
        ldr     r3, [r3, #84]
        str     r3, [fp, #-324]
        ldr     r3, [fp, #-324]
        cmp     r3, #0
        bne     .L81
        b       .L79
        .stabn 68,0,294,.LM115-fasload
        ldr     r3, [fp, #-324]
        ldr     r3, [r3, #16]
        and     r3, r3, #2
        cmp     r3, #0
        bne     .L82
        .stabn 68,0,295,.LM116-fasload
        b       .L80
        .stabn 68,0,297,.LM117-fasload
        ldr     r2, [fp, #-324]
        ldr     r3, .L88+68
        str     r2, [r3, #16]
        .stabn 68,0,301,.LM118-fasload
        ldr     r3, [fp, #-324]
        ldr     ip, [r3, #44]
        mov     r3, #0
        str     r3, [sp, #0]
        ldr     r3, [fp, #-320]
        str     r3, [sp, #4]
        ldr     r0, [fp, #-308]
        ldr     r1, .L88+64
        ldr     r2, .L88+68
        ldr     r3, [ip, #24]
        bl      bfd_get_relocated_section_contents
        mov     r3, r0
        cmp     r3, #0
        bne     .L80
        .stabn 68,0,303,.LM119-fasload
        ldr     r0, .L88+92
        bl      FEerror
        .stabn 68,0,292,.LM120-fasload
        ldr     r3, [fp, #-324]
        ldr     r3, [r3, #12]
        str     r3, [fp, #-324]
        b       .L78
        .stabn 68,0,307,.LM121-fasload
        ldr     r3, [fp, #-308]
        ldr     r2, [r3, #8]
        ldr     r3, .L88+12
        str     r2, [r3, #4]
        .stabn 68,0,309,.LM122-fasload
        ldr     r0, [r3, #4]
        bl      feof
        mov     r3, r0
        cmp     r3, #0
        beq     .L84
        .stabn 68,0,310,.LM123-fasload
        mov     r3, #0
        str     r3, [fp, #-24]
        b       .L85
        .stabn 68,0,312,.LM124-fasload
        ldr     r0, .L88+12
        bl      read_fasl_vector
        mov     r3, r0
        str     r3, [fp, #-24]
        .stabn 68,0,314,.LM125-fasload
        ldr     r0, [fp, #-308]
        bl      bfd_close
        .stabn 68,0,317,.LM126-fasload
        ldr     r3, [fp, #-288]
        ldr     r3, [r3, #4]
        str     r3, [fp, #-340]
        ldr     r3, [fp, #-288]
        ldr     r2, [r3, #8]
        ldr     r3, [fp, #-340]
        add     r3, r3, r2
        str     r3, [fp, #-344]
        ldr     r0, [fp, #-340]
        ldr     r1, [fp, #-344]
        mov     r2, #0
        swi 0x9f0002            @ sys_cacheflush
        .stabn 68,0,320,.LM127-fasload
        ldr     r0, [fp, #-284]
        ldr     r1, [fp, #-288]
        ldr     r2, [fp, #-24]
        mov     r3, #0
        bl      call_init
        .stabn 68,0,322,.LM128-fasload
        ldr     r2, [fp, #-300]
        ldr     r3, .L88
        str     r2, [r3, #0]
        .stabn 68,0,323,.LM129-fasload
        ldr     r2, [fp, #-304]
        ldr     r3, .L88+4
        str     r2, [r3, #0]
        .stabn 68,0,325,.LM130-fasload
        ldr     r3, .L88+96
        ldr     r0, [r3, #0]
        bl      symbol_value
        mov     r2, r0
        ldr     r3, .L88+100
        cmp     r2, r3
        beq     .L87
        .stabn 68,0,326,.LM131-fasload
        ldr     r0, .L88+104
        ldr     r3, [fp, #-288]
        ldr     r1, [r3, #4]
        bl      printf
        .stabn 68,0,328,.LM132-fasload
        ldr     r3, [fp, #-288]
        ldr     r3, [r3, #8]
        mov     r0, r3
        .stabn 68,0,330,.LM133-fasload
        ldmea   fp, {r4, fp, sp, pc}
        .align  2
        .word   vs_base
        .word   vs_top
        .word   nbfd.0
        .word   dum.1
        .word   madd_archive_element
        .word   link_callbacks.2
        .word   mmultiple_definition
        .word   mmultiple_common
        .word   madd_to_set
        .word   mconstructor
        .word   mwarning
        .word   mundefined_symbol
        .word   mreloc_overflow
        .word   mreloc_dangerous
        .word   munattached_reloc
        .word   mnotice
        .word   link_info
        .word   link_order.3
        .word   .LC3
        .word   .LC4
        .word   .LC7
        .word   .LC8
        .word   .LC9
        .word   .LC10
        .word   sLAload_verboseA
        .word   Cnil_body
        .word   .LC11
        .size   fasload,.Lfe13-fasload
        .stabs  "data:(63,6)",128,0,170,-24
        .stabs  "filename:(77,2)=ar(2,167);0;255;(0,2)",128,0,171,-280
        .stabs  "init_address:(0,1)",128,0,172,-284
        .stabs  "memory:(63,6)",128,0,173,-288
        .stabs  "current:(0,1)",128,0,174,-292
        .stabs  "max_align:(0,1)",128,0,174,-296
        .stabs  "old_vs_base:(63,23)",128,0,175,-300
        .stabs  "old_vs_top:(63,23)",128,0,176,-304
        .stabs  "nbfd:V(0,1)",40,0,177,nbfd.0
        .stabs  "b:(2,24)",128,0,178,-308
        .stabs  "u:(0,4)",128,0,179,-312
        .stabs  "v:(0,4)",128,0,179,-316
        .stabs  "q:(77,3)=*(2,225)",128,0,180,-320
        .stabs  "s:(5,6)",128,0,181,-324
        .stabs  "the_start:(2,46)",128,0,182,-328
        .stabs  "start_address:(2,46)",128,0,182,-332
        .stabs  "m:(2,46)",128,0,182,-336
        .stabs  "dum:V(63,8)",40,0,183,dum.1
        .stabs  "link_callbacks:V(5,17)",40,0,184,link_callbacks.2
        .stabs  "link_order:V(2,65)",40,0,185,link_order.3
        .stabn  192,0,0,.LBB2-fasload
        .stabs  "h:(5,8)",128,0,271,-340
        .stabn  192,0,0,.LBB3-fasload
        .stabn  224,0,0,.LBE3-fasload
        .stabs  "v:(2,46)",128,0,317,-340
        .stabs  "ve:(2,46)",128,0,317,-344
        .stabs  "_beg:r(0,5)",64,0,317,0
        .stabs  "_end:r(0,5)",64,0,317,1
        .stabs  "_flg:r(0,5)",64,0,317,2
        .stabn  192,0,0,.LBB4-fasload
        .stabn  224,0,0,.LBE4-fasload
        .stabn  224,0,0,.LBE2-fasload
        .stabs  "",36,0,0,.Lscope12-fasload
        .stabs  "sfasli.c",130,0,0,0
        .align  2
        .ascii  "Cannot open self\n\000"
        .align  2
        .ascii  "I'm not an object\000"
        .align  2
        .ascii  "Cannot make hash table\000"
        .align  2
        .ascii  "Cannot add self symbols\n\000"
        .align  2
        .ascii  "Cannot get self's symtab upper bound\000"
        .align  2
        .ascii  "Cannot canonicalize self's symtab\000"
        .align  2
        .ascii  "@@GLIBC\000"
        .align  2
        .ascii  "Cannot make new hash entry\000"
        .align  2
        .ascii  "Symbol is missing section\000"
        .align  2
        .stabs  "build_symbol_table_bfd:F(0,1)",36,0,31,build_symbol_table_bfd
        .global build_symbol_table_bfd
        .type   build_symbol_table_bfd,function

Philip Blundell <address@hidden> writes:

> On Mon, 2002-06-17 at 07:05, Camm Maguire wrote:
> > Indeed, this does appear to be what the sequence Daniel suggested so
> > successfully for ppc does:
> > 
> > #define CLEAR_CACHE do {void 
> > *v=memory->cfd.cfd_start,*ve=v+memory->cfd.cfd_size; for (;v<ve;v+=32)   
> > asm __volatile__ ("dcbst 0,%0\n\tsync\n\ticbi 0,%0\n\tsync\n\tisync": : "r" 
> > (v) : "memory");} while(0)
> > 
> > So I guess what I need to do is to try to collect the analogous
> > instructions on the other Debian architectures if possible.
> > 
> > Philip and Andreas, the revisiion you so helpfully suggested for arm
> > alas still does not work, with the same symptoms.  Can you please
> > point me to the arm versions if any of 'sync', i-cache invalidate, and
> > nop?
> There is no direct analogue on arm -- sys_cacheflush is the only
> interface that's provided for cache flushing.  Obviously machine
> instructions to flush the cache do exist, but they vary from one
> cpu to another and can only be used in privileged mode.
> Mail me the output of "gcc -S" for your function and I'll have a look at
> it.
> p.
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Camm Maguire                                            address@hidden
"The earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens."  --  Baha'u'llah

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