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[Gcl-commits] Microsoft 0ffice 2OO7 & Adobe Acrobat 8 Pro 79$ at Blayne'

From: Manny Vickers
Subject: [Gcl-commits] Microsoft 0ffice 2OO7 & Adobe Acrobat 8 Pro 79$ at Blayne's amazingsoft
Date: Mon, 01 Jan 2007 23:26:07 -0800

All Titles 0n Sale for Holidays.

Microsoft 0ffice 2OO7    79$
Adobe Acrobat 8 PR0      79$
Windows XP PR0 +SP2      49$
Adobe Premiere 2.O       59$
Macromedia Studio 8      99$
Office2OO3 w/Contact Mgr 69$
Quickbooks 2OO6 Premier  69$
Microsoft Money 2OO7     39$
Adobe Photoshop CS2 9.O  69$
Autodesk Autocad 2OO7    129$
Corel Grafix Suite X3    59$
Adobe Creative Suite CS2 149$
Adobe Illustrator CS2    59$
Microsoft Office XP PR0  49$
Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 49$
McAfee Internet Sec. 7   29$
Norton Antivirus Corp.   29$


Mac Specials:
Adobe Acrobat PR0 7             69$
Adobe After Effects             49$
Adobe Creative Suite 2 Premium 149$
Ableton Live 5.0.1              49$
Adobe Photoshop CS              49$


Also see our new eB00KS:
Windows XP for Dummies
Photoshop in a Snap
Linux for dummies
All for $11 and fast-download.


See more titles: Microsoft-Mac soft-Adobe 

-=New Releases=-

Microsoft 0ffice 2OO7 Enterprise
Normal Price:  $899.00
0ur 0ffer:  $79.95
U-save:  $819.95 (89%)
Availability: Pay-and-download instantly.


SalesRank: #1
Average Customer Review: *****
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Adobe Acrobat 8.O PR0
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0ur 0ffer:  $79.95
U-save:  $369.05 (80%)
Availability: Available for INSTANT-download.


Top-ten-ranked item.
Average Customer Review: *****
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Macromedia Studio 8
Normal Price:  $999.00
0ur 0ffer:  $99.95
U-save:  $899.05 (90%)
Availability: Can be downloaded-INSTANTLY.


Best choice for professional.
Average Customer Review: *****
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time. In this case the route will be automatically deleted. These
#  Installed in /usr/local/libexec/psdf
configuration statements in the skey.access file.  In all cases, UNIX
than 5 months.
eight ports and they are known collectively as COM1 and COM2.  The
The higher the SCSI target ID, the higher the priority the devices
willing to arrange special services, one option is delivery via ftp or
excellent choice for installation media.  cpio(1) does not know how to
more information on the text filter, see section ``Filters''.
entering the program, press CONTROL+D, or whatever your end of file
distributions since version 1.1.5, and is also implemented on a large
syslog facility, which usually goes into /var/log/messages (see the
DVI and ditroff files together in a job.  Instead, submit the files as
from symbol names, hexadecimal numbers starting with the letters a-f
        them yourself.
ATHENA.MIT.EDU kerberos.mit.edu
define slip dial 643-9600, input 10 =>, if failure stop, -
bamboo|ps|PS|S|panasonic|Panasonic KX-P4455 PostScript v51.4:\
using the kernel name MYKERNEL and editing with vi.
target belongs to which device.
for Intel i386/i486/Pentium (or compatible) based PC's.  It is based
#!/bin/sh -
Remote Hosts'' for more information on remote printing.
UART is usually capable of generating the continuous Spacing signal in
"block" gets split into multiple Ethernet packets, even though it is
or two cases where __FreeBSD__ should have been used.  Just because an
[for the cdrom]
18.1.1.  High priority tasks
10.1.1.  Jordan's Picks
-C text
for future use and proceed.  Restricting Jobs from Remote Printers
          kill ${pid}
o  If you want interrupt-driven mode, add the irq specifier:
cards, such as the Boca Board 1008 and 2016 (please see the manual
                      outputs are connected to the UART modem
none of the other DMA channels are active or have a higher priority.
and then MASTER_SITES, and optionally EXTRACT_SUFX or DISTFILES]
o  Multiuser access means that many people can use a FreeBSD system
group mechanism and the rg capability in /etc/printcap.  Just place
Booting FreeBSD is essentially a three step: Load the kernel,
To connect:
National  (PC16550DV)        0 *
freebsd-doc                The FreeBSD Documentation project
anyone using the code for commercial purposes, but given the sheer
__FreeBSD_version values:
        wrote ctm_[rs]mail, much appreciated.
        Bits per Second - the rate at which data is transmitted
Once masked, the host must specify the direction of the transfer
FreeBSD BUILT-19950429 (GR386) #0: Sat Apr 29 17:50:09 SAT 1995
compiler flag:
Cliffs, NJ, 07632 Phone: (201) 767-5937 ISBN 0-13-796855-8

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