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[SCM] gawk branch, feature/cpp-compile, updated. gawk-4.1.0-4453-g45f9b1

From: Arnold Robbins
Subject: [SCM] gawk branch, feature/cpp-compile, updated. gawk-4.1.0-4453-g45f9b15
Date: Mon, 24 May 2021 23:33:06 -0400 (EDT)

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project "gawk".

The branch, feature/cpp-compile has been updated
       via  45f9b1505370799d5e3fa64163aac4cca2909dd6 (commit)
      from  4ac440f05b159c25dbd2670e4c4b981729e9d7bd (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------

commit 45f9b1505370799d5e3fa64163aac4cca2909dd6
Author: Arnold D. Robbins <>
Date:   Tue May 25 06:32:55 2021 +0300

    Fixup awk.h.

diff --git a/awk.h b/awk.h
index 7e843ca..905ef21 100644
--- a/awk.h
+++ b/awk.h
@@ -390,6 +390,10 @@ enum flagvals {
         * is a hint to indicate that an integer array optimization may be
         * used when this value appears as a subscript.
+        * The BOOL flag indicates that this number should be converted to True
+        * or False by extensions that interchange data with other languages,
+        * via JSON, XML or some other serialization mechanism.
+        *
         * We hope that the rest of the flags are self-explanatory. :-)
        MALLOC  = 0x0001,       /* stptr can be free'd, i.e. not a field node 
pointing into a shared buffer */
@@ -399,25 +403,27 @@ enum flagvals {
        NUMBER  = 0x0010,       /* assigned as number */
        USER_INPUT = 0x0020,    /* user input: if NUMERIC then
                                 * a NUMBER */
-       INTLSTR = 0x0040,       /* use localized version */
-       NUMINT  = 0x0080,       /* numeric value is an integer */
-       INTIND  = 0x0100,       /* integral value is array index;
+       BOOL    = 0x0040,       /* this is a boolean value */
+       INTLSTR = 0x0080,       /* use localized version */
+       NUMINT  = 0x0100,       /* numeric value is an integer */
+       INTIND  = 0x0200,       /* integral value is array index;
                                 * lazy conversion to string.
-       WSTRCUR = 0x0200,       /* wide str value is current */
-       MPFN    = 0x0400,       /* arbitrary-precision floating-point number */
-       MPZN    = 0x0800,       /* arbitrary-precision integer */
-       NO_EXT_SET = 0x1000,    /* extension cannot set a value for this 
variable */
-       NULL_FIELD = 0x2000,    /* this is the null field */
+       WSTRCUR = 0x0400,       /* wide str value is current */
+       MPFN    = 0x0800,       /* arbitrary-precision floating-point number */
+       MPZN    = 0x01000,      /* arbitrary-precision integer */
+       NO_EXT_SET = 0x02000,   /* extension cannot set a value for this 
variable */
+       NULL_FIELD = 0x04000,   /* this is the null field */
 /* type = Node_var_array */
-       ARRAYMAXED      = 0x4000,       /* array is at max size */
-       HALFHAT         = 0x8000,       /* half-capacity Hashed Array Tree;
+       ARRAYMAXED      = 0x08000,      /* array is at max size */
+       HALFHAT         = 0x010000,     /* half-capacity Hashed Array Tree;
                                         * See cint_array.c */
-       XARRAY          = 0x10000,
-       NUMCONSTSTR     = 0x20000,      /* have string value for numeric 
constant */
-       REGEX           = 0x40000,      /* this is a typed regex */
+       XARRAY          = 0x020000,
+       NUMCONSTSTR     = 0x040000,     /* have string value for numeric 
constant */
+       REGEX           = 0x080000,     /* this is a typed regex */
  * NOTE - this struct is a rather kludgey -- it is packed to minimize
  * space usage, at the expense of cleanliness.  Alter at own risk.


Summary of changes:
 awk.h | 32 +++++++++++++++++++-------------
 1 file changed, 19 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)


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