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[Ftba-devel] Mafia

From: Raymond Burnett
Subject: [Ftba-devel] Mafia
Date: Wed, 7 Jun 2006 14:00:21 +0100

Most stock brokers give out their new issues only to their
largest commission paying clients.
IF you are Receiving this email, you are among the first
public investors to know about  A B S Y  !!!
Current price word on the sreet is this could take off at any
moment and double.
This company is doing incredible things.

Trade Date : Monday, June 7th, 2006
Company Name : AbsoluteSKY
Symbol : A B S Y Today : $0.95
Recommendation : 300-500%

This company has dropped big new's in the past. Who's to say
they don't have another big one.
We Love this company and at anytime they can put out major
news and the price can triple.
Remember this is a  S T R O N G  B U Y  RECOMMENDATION...

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