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[Fsfe-uk] UK to fly the flag for OOXML

From: rob
Subject: [Fsfe-uk] UK to fly the flag for OOXML
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2008 13:06:25 +0000
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Quoting Glyn Wintle <address@hidden> on org-discuss:

A source close to the matter told The Register today
that the technical group chaired by Francis Cave and
assigned to make recommendations to the policy making
panel overwhelmingly came out five to one in favour of OOXML.

From Mike Banahan in the comments, some useful information on what to do:

"And I'd point out to anyone reading this that the panel is only advisory. If you feel that they have made a mistake, give the BSI a call on +44 (0)20 8996 9001 or email them at address@hidden The ICT/-/1 (that's really its name) committee that actually decides the UK vote is only advised by IST/41, it doesn't *have* to abide by what they say. The BSI is supposed to work on consensus. If enough people call or contact it to tell it that it's made a mistake, it is supposed to do something about it. If you care, get off your backside and tell them. I have already. Their vote is due in on the 29th. You have essentially one day only to influence them."

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