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Re: [Fsfe-uk] Fsfe-uk] Essex laptop for pupils plans

From: Richard Smith
Subject: Re: [Fsfe-uk] Fsfe-uk] Essex laptop for pupils plans
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 2004 13:01:07 +0000 (GMT)

On Tue, 16 Mar 2004 address@hidden wrote:

> I am a school ICT coordinator and am considering ways of extending
> internet access to pupils who do not have it at home. How much does it
> cost, a laptop with open source software? I had never really considered
> it. I already provide pupils with open office CDs. When I buy laptops or
> PCs for school or anywhere else I am generally told that they cannot be
> sold without an operating system ie the current version of MS

I just got an Apple iBook.  The education price is 750 pounds including
VAT, and I think Apple have various schemes for the education market, such
as renting laptops to schools.

MacOS is only partially open, but if you want to only run FLOSS it runs
Linux quite well, and it's an easy way to get a laptop without giving any
money to Microsoft.  (And giving some money to Apple, a company that does
support several FOSS projects.)


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