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[Fsfe-uk] Re: [discuss] Open source software News

From: Chris Sherlock
Subject: [Fsfe-uk] Re: [discuss] Open source software News
Date: Wed, 10 Mar 2004 18:32:15 +1100
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Then add, the civil service itself, defence, Inland Revenue, DSS etc and
I should think that as a whole it must be over £500m per year. And
that's just the public sector. Imagine if the Gov put £500m into free
software projects - I doubt there would be any applications of any
significance that would not have free software support within 2 to 3
years. Of course many small businesses would then adopt free software
lowering their costs and also stimulating that sector by increasing
business to business trade. After that reduce to £100m a year for
maintenance and save £400m a year. Use that £400m to recycle machines
and give them to kids in schools for home use that are on free meals and
haven't got a computer. Provide on-line support and encourage these kids
to take part in community software development projects. Government
environment policy, inclusion policy, improved IT education and
stimulation of the small business sector supported in one fell swoop
without costing the tax payer anything. Anyone vote for me at the next
general election :-)

OK, I'm going to don my flame-retardent fire-suit here, but isn't it the function of industry/individuals/GNU to create software for the masses, and NOT the government?

Yep, a brave thing to put forth on the OOo mailing list, but still - interesting question, isn't it?

[snip rest]


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