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[Fsfe-uk] MP3 Issue

From: Martyn Ranyard
Subject: [Fsfe-uk] MP3 Issue
Date: Wed, 28 Aug 2002 10:43:29 +0100

As reported in slashdot recently ( http://slashdot.org/articles/02/08/27/1626241.shtml?tid=155 ) and being discussed all over the place, I am writing to all three kind-of-appropriate lists hoping to get an educated guess on the following points :

Thompson and Fraunhoffer have a patent (at least in the US) that covers the MP3 algorithm. Is it enforcable outside the US? Fraunhoffer are a German company - does Germany allow Software and Algorithm patents? Is anyone talking to them about Free Software and how it is unreasonable to expect Free Software creators to pay the royalty-free cost and an admin nightmare to pay the per-unit cost? Are they getting anywhere?

PS, fsfe-law and address@hidden - I am not subscribed to these lists, so please cc me in, or the FSFE-UK list.

Martyn Ranyard
Free Software Advocate

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