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Re: [Fsfe-uk] Minutes / Notes from AFFS meeting 20020413

From: Andrew Savory
Subject: Re: [Fsfe-uk] Minutes / Notes from AFFS meeting 20020413
Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2002 02:09:03 +0100 (BST)

On 15 Apr 2002, Philip Hands wrote:

> OK, I've set up
>   address@hidden

Cool, thanks. Does the first person to notice the daily 1 minute downtime
win a prize? ;-)

> BTW are we planning on subscribing everyone on this list to the new
> list?  If so, who or where do I get the list of addresses from?

I think it would make sense to (since I guess it's the same list as
fsfe-uk, just a new name). Dunno who has responsibility for the current
list though?

Do we also want affs-announce? (Which I assume people would need to
subscribe to as it'd have a different remit to the current list?)


Andrew Savory                                Email: address@hidden
Managing Director                              Tel:  +44 (0)870 741 6658
Luminas Internet Applications                  Fax:  +44 (0)870 28 47489
This is not an official statement or order.    Web:    www.luminas.co.uk

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