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[Fsfe-uk] SIAE Italian law information

From: Loic Dachary
Subject: [Fsfe-uk] SIAE Italian law information
Date: Sun, 26 Aug 2001 23:47:03 +0200


        You probably heard of the infamous SIAE Italian law that is causing
so much worries in Italy (see http://www.fsfeurope.org/siae/siae.en.html).
Leandro Noferini from Associazione Software Libero drafted a text explaining
the current situation in more details. Since it makes sense to distribute
this text widely in order to raise interest against this law all over Europe,
we started to work on a translation (babelf*sh + proofreaded 2/3). 

        But as you now all know my english skills are far from perfect :-)
If someone can spare time to proofread and fix the text, you'll find it
at www.fsfeurope.org/drafts/siae.txt. And if you have access to the CVS
tree you can commit the fixes. 

        BTW, if you know someone able to write a nice
sarcastic/humoristic article about this law that could be published on
online newspapers, that'll help people in Italy making a nice
international press book against this law.


P.S. It occurs to me that you guys are at the very center of everything
because you can write proper English :-)

P.P.S. Regarding credits I think anyone providing
content/translation/proofreading should be put in a Thanks section,
but that's up to Leandro to decide.

Loic   Dachary         http://www.dachary.org/  address@hidden
24 av Secretan         http://www.senga.org/      address@hidden
75019    Paris         Tel: 33 1 42 45 09 16        address@hidden
        GPG Public Key: http://www.dachary.org/loic/gpg.txt

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