Greetings! I totally agree. I
will review all a summary of our study, when it is more perfected.
Coutinho Ferrari
"Um clássico é um livro que
nunca acaba de dizer o que tem para dizer." Italo Calvino

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2003 8:04
Subject: Re: lawyer in Brazil
Dear Alexandre Coutinho Ferrari,
|| On Thu, 27 Mar
2003 00:34:14 -0300 || "DoutorD" <address@hidden> wrote:
d> I am a lawyer in Brazil and i am highly interested in that
Thanks for getting in touch, it is always interesting to hear
about others who have interest in the legal aspects of Free
d> We are also studying best forms to adapt GPL
to the national Law, d> because there are some conflicts and that
harms the base of the d> proposal GNU.
That seems like a
very useful endeavour.
Although it is important that modifications to
the GPL are only done by the FSF, as we cannot risk having
incompatibilities between different versions of the GPL around the world,
it is very important to have people investigate the effects of local law on
the GPL - we need to build a strong basis of studies around that
Regards, Georg Greve
P.S. In case you hadn't seen
it yet, you might find the Fiduciary Licence Agreement of interest:
Georg C. F.
<address@hidden> Free
Software Foundation Europe
( GNU Business
( Brave
GNU World