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[Fsfe-france] EU Consultation on Copyright Review: 9 endorsements so far

From: Andreas Dietl
Subject: [Fsfe-france] EU Consultation on Copyright Review: 9 endorsements so far
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 2004 17:59:57 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.8 (X11/20040913)

Thank you all!
We could solve the mailer problems (special thanks to Enki!). I have received nine endorsements so far:


Signature by


Linux Consultants Ltd.

Jason Clifford


netzwerk neue medien

Markus Beckedahl



Christophe Espern


Information Problems Analyzing
Yashar Hajiyev



Volker Grassmuck


Aktionsbündnis 'Urheberrecht für Bildung und Wissenschaft'

Hartmut Simon


NETHICS e.V. (Ethics in the Net)

Rainer Kuhlen


Electronic Frontier Finland

Ville Oksanen


IP Justice

Robin Gross


We hope to have some more before Sunday, which is when we will have to ship this.
Best wishes

Andreas Dietl wrote:
Dear all,
I have strong reasons to suspect that mails to the address@hidden address are getting lost, due to mailer problems. If you already sent an endorsement, please resend it to address@hidden (or reply to this mail). If you haven't, do so now.
Hopefully, we can solve the problesm before sunday, but I want to make sure.
No need to say I am awfully sorry for this.

Andreas Dietl wrote:

Dear all, please don't forget that the deadline for this consultation is already this Sunday. if your organisation wihses to endorse the joint EDRI / FIPR / VOSN response, please send me an e-mail to address@hidden as soon as possible

Andreas Dietl wrote:

European Digital Rights <www.edri.org>, the Foundation for Information Policy Research <www.fipr.org>, and Vereniging Open-source Nederland <www.vosn.nl> have developed a joint response <www.edri.org/campaigns/copyright> to the EU Commission consultation on the review of the EU ''acquis communautaire'' in the field of copyright and related rights.

If your organisation wishes to endorse this response, please write an e-mail indicating the organisation's name, your first and second name and position within the organisation, along with your e-mail address for verification, to address@hidden.

This Consultation ends on October 31, so please make sure to send your endorsements at the very latest on that day at noon!

Full text of the response at www.edri.org/campaigns/copyright
More info on the European Commission's consultation at europa.eu.int/rapid/pressReleasesAction.do?reference=IP/04/955&language=EN&guiLanguage=en

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