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[Fsfe-france] Actus sur les DRM

From: Christophe Espern
Subject: [Fsfe-france] Actus sur les DRM
Date: Wed, 25 Aug 2004 05:30:16 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.6.2


DRM: l'appétit commun de Microsoft et Time Warner examiné à Bruxelles

Baladeurs, téléviseurs, home vidéo: HP veut conjuguer la DRM à tout va

(avec annonce d'entente entre HP et Warner Bros).


Pendant ce temps là, l'OASIS ferme son groupe de travail sur les langages de 
description de droits  (le RLTC) pour des raisons aussi diverses que les 
brevets (M$ vs Sony), la multiplication de "standards", ou les lois 
européennes qui, ô horreur, donnent des droits au public et sont trop 
compliquées pour être appliquées par un juge logiciel !

Unfortunately, the RLTC became bogged down in a number of issues that impeded 
progress.  These included concern over the implications of InterTrust's 
patent dispute with Microsoft over DRM intellectual property (coupled with 
InterTrust's lack of participation in the RLTC) and over proliferation of 
related standards initiatives in other bodies, such as IEEE and IETF.  Some 
observers also felt that progress was held up by arguments over how to 
account for consumers' rights in copyright law, such as fair use in the US, 
fair dealing in the UK and Canada, and private copying in many EU countries.  
Such laws tend not to be proscriptive or precise enough to be embodied in a 
rights language, so the concerns raised over them might more properly be 
considered "meta-rights-language" considerations.

A +


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