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Re: [Fsfe-france] GPL v3

From: Antoine
Subject: Re: [Fsfe-france] GPL v3
Date: 28 Apr 2003 11:17:16 +0200

>     guillaume> * la fsf ne veut pas sur ses sites de logiciels en v2;
> Peux-tu me donner stp une référence sur ce point ?


« You are not doing anything wrong by restricting to version 2 only of the
GPL, and your software continues to be free software. However, the FSF
doesn't want to accept that license in its hosts because it would be
compatible with GPL v2, but wouldn't be compatible with the next
version. And this is something that the FSF wants to discourage.  If you
want to host your project in Savannah, you should change your license
and either accept "GNU General Public License V2 or later" or any of the
other GPL-compatible licenses and then register your project again.

[...] »

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