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[Fsfe-france] Re: Update of Software Patents Agenda

From: PILCH Hartmut
Subject: [Fsfe-france] Re: Update of Software Patents Agenda
Date: Mon, 21 May 2001 09:29:12 +0200 (CEST)

> Since the people at the European Commission are lawyers and the EPC courts
> are both an authority and the representative of their group interest,
> they want to make sure that the practise of the EPC courts is observed by
> all those national courts who currently still abide by the law or could
> possibly be seduced to abide by it and defy the EPO.

There are no "EPC courts".
Not "EPC courts" but "EPO courts", more specifically "Technical Boards of
Sorry for creating confusion.

Hartmut Pilch
Federation for a Free Information Infrastructure        http://www.ffii.org/
For a software patent free Europe PLEASE SIGN http://petition.eurolinux.org/

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