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Is autofitter stem darkening compatible with FT_RENDER_MODE_LCD?

From: Tatsuyuki Ishi
Subject: Is autofitter stem darkening compatible with FT_RENDER_MODE_LCD?
Date: Sun, 25 Oct 2020 18:58:32 +0900

>From the documentation, it seems that FT_RENDER_MODE_LCD is considered
a variant of FT_RENDER_MODE_LIGHT:

But it seems that when autofitter checks whether stem darkening should
be available, it strictly requires FT_RENDER_MODE_LIGHT, not
FT_RENDER_MODE_LCD. (src/autofit/afloader.c:380)

Is this behavior intended? I'm also wondering if this is why I can't
enable stem darkening in my JetBrains IDE even with
FREETYPE_PROPERTIES=autofitter:no-stem-darkening=0 set.

FYI, gamma correct rendering can be configured for JetBrains IDE with
a specific set of options:
* -Dsun.java2d.xrender=false
* Use subpixel antialiasing in the options
* Change "lcd.contrast.value" from the "Registry" action for stronger
gamma correction (default is gamma 1.4)


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