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Re: [ft] Adding custom font driver?

From: Ian Britten
Subject: Re: [ft] Adding custom font driver?
Date: Tue, 03 Jun 2008 12:25:03 -0300
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.2 (X11/20050322)

Werner LEMBERG wrote:
Currently (v2.1.7), we do something similar to this: [ NB - C++ ]
   static const FT_Driver_ClassRec custom_driver = {
            //  Blah blah blah.  Details omitted
   FT_Add_Module(library, &custom_driver);

Upon trying to upgrade to v2.3.5, I'm finding that the
FT_Driver_ClassRec structure is in freetype/internal/ftdriver.h,
which is no longer publicly accessable.  As such, I'm kindof stumped
about how best to proceed.
To solve this temporarily I suggest to add an FT_Driver_ClassRec
structure definition to your project so that you can proceed.  We
don't plan to change its interface, and unless there are objections,
I'll lift this definition from `internal' to `public'.
Ok, many thanks!  I'll proceed accordingly...

- I assume you would be exposing all the other necessary structures
  and stuff too, eh?  (FT_CMap_InitFunc, FT_DriverRec, etc).
- Do you need/want me to put in a bug somewhere?
- What release would I expect to see this change in?  2.3.6?  2.4?


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