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[ft] Re: [Fontconfig] strange behavior for font with partial bitmap embe

From: Qianqian Fang
Subject: [ft] Re: [Fontconfig] strange behavior for font with partial bitmap embedding
Date: Wed, 01 Aug 2007 22:56:12 -0400
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20070509)

(I cc-ed a copy to freetype2 mailing list of this discussion, my original question was posted at )
thank you mpsuzuki for explaining this to me. I had a hard time to isolate
the problem and it is always confusing for me that the font rendering in Linux is related to multiple modules, freetype2,fontconfig, pango, Xft etc. I send my question to this list in the hope that some font experts may hear my question
and direct me to the right direction.

Indeed, I had suspected that fontconfig does not manipulate font information
down to the glyph level, maybe <blank> is the only exception. However I was
curious on the accuracy/legitimacy of the returned font information for this situation where font has partial coverage of bitmaps at specific sizes. In another word, because fontconfig does not have the granularity to describe the details of a font (it perhaps was not designed for this), will the returned incomplete info mislead
the rendering engine?

For example, when a program want to draw a 10pt 'A' and request fontconfig
to provide a list of fonts and font properties (such as embeddedbitmap), and this partially embedded font happen to be the top of the list. Will fontconfig tell the program that this font has embedded bitmaps if it sees an embedded bitmap at10pt 'A'? or it sees more than one embedded bitmaps at 10pt? or it sees more than one embedded
glyph in the whole font? or if it set embeddedbitmap to true based on the
percentage of the bitmap coverage? or not telling the program about this at all?
A more complex situation is when the program want to draw a bold 10pt 'A'
and 'A' only has medium face outline data, while 'B'-'z' has embedded bitmap for 10pt. what
would fontconfig do in this situation? anything that can potentially mislead
the rendering afterward?

again, I am not familiar with either fontconfig and freetype2, just hoping this is something that I can learn, even the rough idea, about the rendering and help
me to pinpoint the problem next time.

thank you for your further input.


address@hidden wrote:

Either I know little about fontconfig, but saying a few
can be better than nothing.

On Sun, 15 Jul 2007 17:11:43 -0400
Qianqian Fang <address@hidden> wrote:
I know little about fontconfig, just curious if this behavior
is by design or a potential bug of fontconfig.
Although fontconfig can store the information to switch
anti-aliasing and subpixel rendering, the rasterization
itself is executed out of fontconfig. The fontconfig has
no responsibility how to these control switches are used
in font rasterization. Just fontconfig replies the defined
value for boolean anti-aliasing and RGB ordering for
subpixel rendering, per the query for each face.

It must be noted that fontconfig can store single value
per face, for these control switches. In the other words,
fontconfig cannot control these values per glyph. I think,
you want the rasterizer to work as following strategy:

1. If the face includes bitmap glyph at requested pixel
   size, the rasterizer should use it to display the glyph.

2. If the face doesn't include bitmap glyph at requested
   pixel size, the rasterizer should make anti-aliased
   (and subpixel-rendered) image from vector data.

But these strategy is out of the control which fontconfig
can. I think, the 1st behaviour you mentioned should be
checked by Xft (I guess uses fontconfig but
does not use Xft, so the rendering behaviour is different
from most GNOME applications, as you found). Yet I don't
have good idea for the simplest test.

The lost of glyph is big impact (and not expected), I'm not
sure the 2nd behaviour is the bug /or not. I guess hinting
switch on GNOME font panel just changes the autohinting
of FreeType2, so the exist of TrueType native bytecode hinting is not critical parameter.

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