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Re: [ft-devel] More crashes on ARM

From: Frank Meerkoetter
Subject: Re: [ft-devel] More crashes on ARM
Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2006 13:29:12 +0100
User-agent: Internet Messaging Program (IMP) H3 (4.0)

Quoting david turner <address@hidden>:


the "cmap->clazz" value is definitely wrong, and there is no way the
charmap was built
with it. In other words, the field has been rewritten after creation of
the charmap !!

Can you re-run the program but set a watch on the fields's memory
address ? This would
help us spot the problem.

My guess is that there is a problem with a cast.

The FT_Face structure looks like this:

typedef struct  FT_FaceRec_ {
  FT_Size           size;
  FT_CharMap        charmap;

  /address@hidden begin */

  FT_Driver         driver;

An FT_Face argument is passed to FT_Get_Next_Char(FT_Face face,
                    FT_ULong  charcode,
                    FT_UInt  *agindex ).
When examining face it looks OK.

(gdb) p *face
$22 = {num_faces = 1, face_index = 0, face_flags = 537, style_flags = 3,
  num_glyphs = 786, family_name = 0x4deb8 "FreeMono",
  style_name = 0x4e2a8 "BoldOblique", num_fixed_sizes = 0,
  available_sizes = 0x0, num_charmaps = 3, charmaps = 0x4e2b8, generic = {
    data = 0x0, finalizer = 0}, bbox = {xMin = -514, yMin = -278, xMax = 840,
    yMax = 1111}, units_per_EM = 1000, ascender = 1111, descender = -278,
  height = 1479, max_advance_width = 600, max_advance_height = 1479,
  underline_position = -100, underline_thickness = 50, glyph = 0x4fb40,
  size = 0x4fc40, charmap = 0x4fa90, driver = 0x505b8, memory = 0x4efb8,
stream = 0x4fa60, sizes_list = {head = 0x4fcb8, tail = 0x4fcb8}, autohint = {
    data = 0x0, finalizer = 0}, extensions = 0x0, internal = 0x4c1d8}
(gdb) p *face->charmap
$23 = {face = 0x4bb90, encoding = FT_ENCODING_UNICODE, platform_id = 0,
  encoding_id = 3}
(gdb) p *face->driver
$24 = {root = {clazz = 0x4078db9c, library = 0x4c0b8, memory = 0x4efb8,
    generic = {data = 0x0, finalizer = 0}}, clazz = 0x4078db9c, faces_list = {
    head = 0x4f1c8, tail = 0x4f1c8}, extensions = 0x0, glyph_loader = 0x4d768}

FT_CMAP is than used to cast a part of the FT_Face structure
into a FT_CMAP structure (1).

FT_Get_Next_Char( FT_Face   face,
                    FT_ULong  charcode,
                    FT_UInt  *agindex )
    FT_ULong  result = 0;
    FT_UInt   gindex = 0;

    if ( face && face->charmap )
      FT_UInt32  code = (FT_UInt32)charcode;
      FT_CMap    cmap = FT_CMAP( face->charmap );  // (1)

      gindex = cmap->clazz->char_next( cmap, &code );
      result = ( gindex == 0 ) ? 0 : code;

    if ( agindex )
      *agindex = gindex;

    return result;

(gdb) p *cmap
$32 = {charmap = {face = 0x4bb90, encoding = FT_ENCODING_UNICODE,
    platform_id = 0, encoding_id = 3}, clazz = 0x30000}

My guess is that clazz should point to 0x505b8 (aka. driver).
Is this correct?


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