2012/12/6 Albert Chu
> How does this is ported with Cygwin ? (or is it ported ?)
I ported it to Cygwin but naturally the only thing that could be tested
was out of band communication. In band communication was untested.
> Is it possible to get-rid of those drivers in a first porting effort,
> or is it a required part of the project ?
If you don't care about inband communication, it really isn't necessary
to port it. It could simply be #ifdef'd out. Hypothetically a
configure option for "--no-inband" could be made.
though a first porting effort can concentrate on outband, in the end, I'm both interested in inband and outband, with more weight on inband (for local power monitoring and protection).
As Patrick said, ipmiutil uses a Windows based driver. So I assume
there is a way to add a "Windows driver" into FreeIPMI to use.
Presently there is a KCS driver (w/ ports to work on Linux & BSD), SSIF
driver, OpenIPMI (/dev/ipmi0 on many Linux systems), and SunBMC (for
Solaris). There's no reason we can't add "WinIntel" or something.
I'll definitely dig (quickly) ipmiutil in that regard.
I don't have a Windows system to try on, I've just never been able to
add anything for Windows.