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[Freebangfont-devel] Re: PHARpqgMACY

From: Mars Perdomo
Subject: [Freebangfont-devel] Re: PHARpqgMACY
Date: Sun, 23 Apr 2006 17:30:17 -0400

M h E v R w I b D n I n A w
S m O z M r A t
V i A v L c I a U r M l
V s I a A x G p R g A o
A j M g B y I y E d N q
C n I l A t L m I s S f
X s A i N a A f X x
Never mind. Jesus, there are times when I wish I could get pissed- Alex, why are you here? Conklin looked up from the bed as he angrily gripped his cane. Ive got the books on our Philadelphians. Thats why? Who are they? No, thats not why. I mean its interesting, but its not why Im here.

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