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[ff3d-users] question about a povray geometry

From: Service audio-vidéo
Subject: [ff3d-users] question about a povray geometry
Date: Fri, 19 Nov 2004 14:53:50 +0100

Hello stephan,
    I drawn a solid under POVray combinning several basic solids and operation with them. POVray compiles well this geometry and the result is nice but when I run ff3d, the program never finish the compilation and connections of cells of this geometry (I join the POVray file to this mail). Is there a problem about syntax (operation functions), about the definition domain and the box defining it, the size of cells, or anything else ?
Thank you for your help.
Matthieu GUILLON
PS: you can answer me at this adress and this one: address@hidden

Attachment: mantaray.pov
Description: Binary data

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