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fim development news

From: Michele Martone
Subject: fim development news
Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2023 12:47:55 +0000

Dear friends of FIM - Fbi IMproved,

there are news in the development version of FIM, towards 0.7:

 * scrolldown menus in the GTK (-o gtk) graphical mode
 * load files in the QOI image format
 * load files in the AVIF image format
 * load files in the WepP image format

My main goal with the GTK support is to make FIM's features
more accessible by means of scrolldown menus, check menu
items and radio menu items, and having those menus as dynamical
and customizable as it's useful.
The work is ongoing, and as always I'm happy of getting 
feedback and feature requests.
 * any other file format worth visualization with FIM?
 * any particular extra widget / menu / bar etc in GTK mode?


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