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Seg error trying to combine Gay-Berne and dipoles

From: Margaret Rosenberg
Subject: Seg error trying to combine Gay-Berne and dipoles
Date: Thu, 01 Apr 2021 16:13:26 +0200
User-agent: Roundcube Webmail/1.4.11

Dear all,

I'm attempting to reproduce a simple Gay-Berne ferrofluid and getting some odd segmentation errors. I've attached an attempt at a minimal working example* below: any advice would be appreciated. The error message reads as follows:

[cpk01:64078] *** Process received signal ***
[cpk01:64078] Signal: Segmentation fault: 11 (11)
[cpk01:64078] Signal code: Address not mapped (1)
[cpk01:64078] Failing at address: 0x7f85d9bd5000
[cpk01:64078] [ 0] 0 libsystem_platform.dylib 0x00007fff718535fd _sigtramp + 29 [cpk01:64078] [ 1] 0 ??? 0x00007f89d7c30220 0x0 + 140230007128608 [cpk01:64078] [ 2] 0 EspressoCore.dylib 0x0000000109d691b6 _Z18dp3m_dipole_assignRK13ParticleRange + 326 [cpk01:64078] [ 3] 0 EspressoCore.dylib 0x0000000109d74bd7 _ZN6Dipole21calc_long_range_forceERK13ParticleRange + 359 [cpk01:64078] [ 4] 0 EspressoCore.dylib 0x0000000109cba83c _Z10force_calcR13CellStructure + 1052 [cpk01:64078] [ 5] 0 EspressoCore.dylib 0x0000000109ccf1ce _Z12integrate_vvii + 702 [cpk01:64078] [ 6] 0 EspressoCore.dylib 0x0000000109c956d9 _ZL19mpi_integrate_slaveii + 9 [cpk01:64078] [ 7] 0 EspressoCore.dylib 0x0000000109c97b78 _ZNK13Communication12MpiCallbacks4callINSt3__14plusIiEEiJiiEEENS2_16remove_referenceIDTclfp0_clsr3stdE7declvalIT0_EEclsr3stdE7declvalIS6_EEEEE4typeENS_6Result9ReductionET_PFS6_DpT1_ESE_ + 88 [cpk01:64078] [ 8] 0 EspressoCore.dylib 0x0000000109ccf51a _Z16python_integrateibb + 506 [cpk01:64078] [ 9] 0 0x000000010c98167e _ZL50__pyx_pw_10espressomd_9integrate_10Integrator_9runP7_objectS0_S0_ + 606 [cpk01:64078] [10] 0 0x000000010a73a71c _ZL29__Pyx_CyFunction_CallAsMethodP7_objectS0_S0_ + 92 [cpk01:64078] [11] 0 Python 0x0000000109135ad3 _PyObject_MakeTpCall + 266 [cpk01:64078] [12] 0 Python 0x0000000109137e04 method_vectorcall + 205 [cpk01:64078] [13] 0 Python 0x00000001091ddb23 call_function + 403 [cpk01:64078] [14] 0 Python 0x00000001091dacb4 _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault + 27452 [cpk01:64078] [15] 0 Python 0x00000001091de66b _PyEval_EvalCode + 1998 [cpk01:64078] [16] 0 Python 0x00000001091d409d PyEval_EvalCode + 79 [cpk01:64078] [17] 0 Python 0x000000010920f0e5 run_eval_code_obj + 110 [cpk01:64078] [18] 0 Python 0x000000010920e4dd run_mod + 103 [cpk01:64078] [19] 0 Python 0x000000010920d3a1 PyRun_FileExFlags + 241 [cpk01:64078] [20] 0 Python 0x000000010920c991 PyRun_SimpleFileExFlags + 271 [cpk01:64078] [21] 0 Python 0x00000001092248b8 Py_RunMain + 1839 [cpk01:64078] [22] 0 Python 0x0000000109224bf1 pymain_main + 306 [cpk01:64078] [23] 0 Python 0x0000000109224c3f Py_BytesMain + 42 [cpk01:64078] [24] 0 libdyld.dylib 0x00007fff7165acc9 start + 1
[cpk01:64078] *** End of error message ***

This is using pypresso 4.1.4 on Mac Catalina. I have considered the typical case (system exploding due to high energy), but right before the seg error I get energies of (for example):

[('total', 162.0677238013178), ('external_fields', 0.0), ('kinetic', 162.8133351668658), ('bonded', 0.0), (('non_bonded', 0, 0), -0.00713096266954227), ('non_bonded', -0.00713096266954227), ('coulomb', 0.0), (('dipolar', 0), -0.6532714897406531), (('dipolar', 1), -0.08520891313778406), ('dipolar', -0.7384804028784371)]

which seems survivable in terms of dipolar interaction strength? However, running the same system without dipolar interactions does not cause a segmentation fault (purely thermostat + Gay-Berne).



*The full script included a warm up with purely steric interactions & steepest descent to distance particles: it would complete this routine and then crash with the same seg error once the integrator was changed to vv so I cut the section for time. Same with randomising particle orientations, starting on a grid for proper spacing etc. The original system is even more dense, with a larger box; the Gay-Berne and other system parameters are lifted from an older publication that included such simulations.

Margaret Rosenberg, MSc

Dipolar Soft Matter Group
Faculty of Physics, University of Vienna
Sensengasse 8/18, 1090, Vienna, Austria

Phone: +43-(0)1-4277-73270

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