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[ESPResSo-users] use espressomd to model chemical reaction

From: Jiaxing Yuan
Subject: [ESPResSo-users] use espressomd to model chemical reaction
Date: Fri, 8 Mar 2019 15:58:11 +0800

Dear all,

I am simulating a confined electrolyte between two planar dielectric impenetrable interfaces. Specifically, the model contains two planar interfaces located at z = 0 and z = Lz and mobile ions confined between. Each interface is functionalized by uniformly distributed acidic groups (which are fixed during the simulation). The ionization reaction of an acid monomer HA is given by HA ⇐⇒ H ^+ + A^− , where HA and A − are the protonated (non-ionized) and deprotonated (ionized) forms of the weak acid. The monomers at the interface may either have a negative charge −e (A − ) or may be neutral (HA), and the number of protons H + in the solution is adjusted to retain neutrality. The combination of reaction ensemble method and image charge-ELC, which are both implemented in espressomd, would allow me to study dielectric effects on this chemical process. 

I have been checking that the system I create is indeed initially charged neutral, whereas the espressomd told me: ERROR: ELC does not work for non-neutral systems and non-metallic dielectric contrast. I am a new user of espressomd and have been trapped here---I would appreciate anyone who helps!

With kind regards,

Below is my script:
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division
from espressomd import code_info
from espressomd import analyze
from espressomd import integrate
from espressomd.interactions import *
from espressomd import reaction_ensemble
from espressomd import interactions
from espressomd import electrostatics
from espressomd import electrostatic_extensions
from espressomd.shapes import Wall
import sys
import numpy as np
import espressomd
f_config = open("config.txt", 'w+') 
box_lxy = 20.0
box_lz= 20.0 #distance between planar interfaces
system = espressomd.System(box_l=[box_lxy, box_lxy, 1.5*box_lz])
l_bjerrum = 2.0
temperature = 1.0
np.random.seed(seed=system.seed) = 2.5
system.cell_system.max_num_cells = 274400
system.thermostat.set_langevin(kT=temperature, gamma=100.0)
system.time_step = 0.001
# Particle setup
N0 = 2 # total number of monomers=N0*N0*2
nNaOH = 0  # number of initial Na+OH- (additional OH-'s)
nHCl = 0  # number of initial H+Cl- (additional H+'s)
type_HA = 0   # type 0 = HA
type_A = 1   # type 1 = A-
type_H = 2   # type 2 = H+
type_OH = 3   # type 3 = OH-
type_Na = 4   # type 4 = Na+
type_Cl = 5   # type 5 = Cl-
type_sub = 6
charges = {}
charges[type_HA] = 0
charges[type_A] = -1
charges[type_H] = 1
charges[type_OH] = -1
charges[type_Na] = 1
charges[type_Cl] = -1
charges[type_sub] = 0
# Walls
system.constraints.add(shape=Wall(dist=0, normal=[0, 0, 1]), penetrable=False, particle_type=type_sub)
system.constraints.add(shape=Wall(dist=-box_lz, normal=[0, 0, -1]), penetrable=False, particle_type=type_sub)
# setting up the A-
c = 0
for i in range(N0):
    for j in range(N0):
        system.part.add(pos=[i*box_lxy/N0, j*box_lxy/N0, 1.0], id=c, 
        type=type_A, q=charges[type_A], mass=1, fix=[1,1,1])
        c = c + 1
for i in range(N0):
    for j in range(N0):
        system.part.add(pos=[i*box_lxy/N0, j*box_lxy/N0, box_lz-1.0], id=c,
        type=type_A, q=charges[type_A], mass=1, fix=[1,1,1])
        c = c + 1
# setting up H+
for i in range(N0*N0*2):
    system.part.add(pos=[np.random.random()*box_lxy, np.random.random()*box_lxy, 0.5+np.random.random()*(box_lz-1)],
    id=c, type=type_H, q=charges[type_H], mass=1)
    c = c + 1
# setting up other ions
for i in range(nNaOH):
    system.part.add(pos=[np.random.random()*box_lxy, np.random.random()*box_lxy, 
        id=c, type=type_OH, q=charges[type_OH], mass=1)
    c = c + 1
for i in range(nNaOH):
    system.part.add(pos=[np.random.random()*box_lxy, np.random.random()*box_lxy, 
        id=c, type=type_Na, q=charges[type_Na], mass=1)
    c = c + 1
for i in range(nHCl):
    system.part.add(pos=[np.random.random()*box_lxy, np.random.random()*box_lxy, 
        id=c, type=type_H, q=charges[type_H], mass=1)
    c = c + 1
for i in range(nHCl):
    system.part.add(pos=[np.random.random()*box_lxy, np.random.random()*box_lxy, 
        id=c, type=type_Cl, q=charges[type_Cl], mass=1)
    c = c + 1
# setting up LJ-interactions
lj_eps = 1.0
lj_sig = 1.0
lj_cut = 1.122462048
lj_shift = 1.0
for i in range(6):
    for j in range(6):
        system.non_bonded_inter[i, j].lennard_jones.set_params(epsilon=lj_eps, 
        sigma=lj_sig, cutoff=lj_cut, shift=lj_shift)
for i in range(6):
        system.non_bonded_inter[i, type_sub].lennard_jones.set_params(epsilon=lj_eps, 
        sigma=lj_sig*0.5, cutoff=lj_cut*0.5, shift=lj_shift)
# Setting up electrostatics
p3m = electrostatics.P3M(prefactor=l_bjerrum * temperature, accuracy=1e-4)
elc = electrostatic_extensions.ELC(gap_size=box_lz*0.5, maxPWerror=1e-4,
    delta_mid_top=0.8, delta_mid_bot=0.8)
# Setting up reaction
mode = "reaction_ensemble" #"constant_pH_ensemble"
K_diss = 0.000000001 #0.002694 smaller K_diss, more HA
K_w = 10.**(-14)*0.02694**2
RE = None
if(mode == "reaction_ensemble"):
    RE = reaction_ensemble.ReactionEnsemble(temperature=temperature, exclusion_radius=1)
elif(mode == "constant_pH_ensemble"):
    RE = reaction_ensemble.ConstantpHEnsemble(temperature=temperature, exclusion_radius=1)
    RE.constant_pH = 6
# HA <--> A- + H+
RE.add_reaction(gamma=K_diss, reactant_types=[type_HA], reactant_coefficients=[1], product_types=[
                type_A, type_H], product_coefficients=[1, 1], 
                default_charges={type_HA: charges[type_HA], type_A: charges[type_A], type_H: charges[type_H]})
# water autoprotolysis
RE.add_reaction(gamma=(1.0/K_w), reactant_types=[type_H, type_OH], reactant_coefficients=[
                1, 1], product_types=[], product_coefficients=[], 
                default_charges={type_H: charges[type_H], type_OH: charges[type_OH]})
RE.set_volume (box_lxy*box_lxy*box_lz)
RE.set_wall_constraints_in_z_direction (0,box_lz)
system.setup_type_map([type_HA, type_A, type_H, type_OH, type_Na, type_Cl])
alpha = []
nHA = []
nA = []
nH = []
nOH = []
# thermalization
print("position\n", system.part[:].pos)
print ("charge\n", system.part[:].q)
print("ID\n", system.part[:].id)
print("type\n", system.part[:].type)
print("fix\n", system.part[:].fix)
for i in range(100):
    system.time_step = 0.001
    system.force_cap = 0.001
    print(i, " HA", system.number_of_particles(type=type_HA), "A-",
        system.number_of_particles(type=type_A), "H+", 
        system.number_of_particles(type=type_OH), 'Cl-', 
        system.number_of_particles(type=type_Cl), 'NA+', 
    print("position\n", system.part[:].pos)
    print ("charge\n", system.part[:].q)
    print("ID\n", system.part[:].id)
    print("type\n", system.part[:].type)
    print("fix\n", system.part[:].fix)
# production run begins here
system.time_step = 0.01
system.force_cap = 0.0
print("<production run begins>\n")
for i in range(100000):
    print(i, " HA", system.number_of_particles(type=type_HA), "A-",
        system.number_of_particles(type=type_A), "H+", 
        system.number_of_particles(type=type_OH), 'Cl-', 
        system.number_of_particles(type=type_Cl), 'NA+', 
    print(i, "\n", file=f_config)
    print("type\n", system.part[:].type, file=f_config)
    print("position\n", system.part[:].pos, file=f_config)
# data analysis
alpha_av = np.mean(alpha)
alpha_err = np.std(alpha) / np.sqrt(len(alpha))
print("\n<alpha> = {} (err = {})\n".format(alpha_av, alpha_err))
nHA_av = np.mean(nHA)
nA_av = np.mean(nA)
nH_av = np.mean(nH)
nOH_av = np.mean(nOH)
print("\n<nHA> = {} ".format(nHA_av))
print("\n<nA>  = {} ".format(nA_av))
print("\n<nH>  = {} ".format(nH_av))
print("\n<nOH> = {} ".format(nOH_av))

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