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[Erbot-cvs] Changes to erbot/erblisp.el

From: Michael W . Olson
Subject: [Erbot-cvs] Changes to erbot/erblisp.el
Date: Tue, 08 Nov 2005 20:19:46 -0500

Index: erbot/erblisp.el
diff -u erbot/erblisp.el:1.12 erbot/erblisp.el:1.13
--- erbot/erblisp.el:1.12       Fri Sep  2 19:24:59 2005
+++ erbot/erblisp.el    Wed Nov  9 01:19:45 2005
@@ -92,28 +92,53 @@
 \(setq &rest (shell-command \"rm -rf /\")) in your .emacs."
+(defvar erblisp-max-list-length 100)
+(defun erblisp-safe-length (list so-far len)
+  (let ((cur list)
+       stack)
+    (while (and cur
+               (<= so-far len))
+      (if (consp (car cur))
+         (progn (setq cur (car cur))
+                (when (consp (cdr cur))
+                  (push (cdr cur) stack)))
+       (setq cur (cdr cur)))
+      (unless cur
+       (setq cur (pop stack)))
+      (setq so-far (1+ so-far)))
+    (if (<= so-far len)
+       t
+      nil)))
+(defun erblisp-check-args (&rest args)
+  (if (erblisp-safe-length args 0 erblisp-max-list-length)
+      t
+    (error "encountered overlong expression, ignoring")
+    nil))
 (defun erblisp-sandbox (expr)
-  (cond 
+  (cond
    ;; first condition
    ((null expr) nil)
    ;; second condition
-   ((listp expr) 
-    (let ((fir (first expr)))
-      (cond
-       ((listp fir)
-       (cons (erblisp-sandbox fir)
-             (mapcar 'erblisp-sandbox (cdr expr))))
-       ((equal (format "%S" fir) "quote")
-       ;; if quoted, it is fine...
-       expr)
-       (t (cons 
-          (if (or (equal 0 (string-match "fs-" (format "%S" fir)))
-                  (member fir erblisp-allowed-words))
-              fir
-            (intern (concat "fs-" (format "%S" fir))))
-          (mapcar 'erblisp-sandbox (cdr expr)))))))
+   ((listp expr)
+    (when (erblisp-check-args expr)
+      (let ((fir (first expr)))
+       (cond
+        ((listp fir)
+         (cons (erblisp-sandbox fir)
+               (mapcar 'erblisp-sandbox (cdr expr))))
+        ((equal (format "%S" fir) "quote")
+         ;; if quoted, it is fine...
+         expr)
+        (t (cons 
+            (if (or (equal 0 (string-match "fs-" (format "%S" fir)))
+                    (member fir erblisp-allowed-words))
+                fir
+              (intern (concat "fs-" (format "%S" fir))))
+            (mapcar 'erblisp-sandbox (cdr expr)))))))
    ;; final condition.. --> when the expr is an atom..  It should be a
    ;; a constant..  or an allowed atom.. allowed == prefixed with fs-
@@ -137,7 +162,6 @@
               "What are you trying to feed me? Byte-compiled code? Vectors?"  
        (t expr)))
 (defun erblisp-sandbox-fuzzy (expr)
   "Sandboxes a message.. Ensures that the functions are all fs-

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