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[Erbot-cvs] Changes to erbot/contrib/wtf.el
From: |
Michael W . Olson |
Subject: |
[Erbot-cvs] Changes to erbot/contrib/wtf.el |
Date: |
Mon, 26 Sep 2005 00:01:56 -0400 |
Index: erbot/contrib/wtf.el
diff -u erbot/contrib/wtf.el:1.13 erbot/contrib/wtf.el:1.14
--- erbot/contrib/wtf.el:1.13 Sun Sep 25 01:00:33 2005
+++ erbot/contrib/wtf.el Mon Sep 26 04:01:55 2005
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
;; Copyright (C) 2005 Michael Olson
-;; Version: 1.1
+;; Version: 1.2
;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
@@ -47,20 +47,20 @@
(defvar wtf-alist
'(;; $NetBSD: acronyms,v 1.148 2005/09/20 13:22:04 jschauma Exp $
- ("AFAIC" . "as far as I'm concerned")
- ("AFAICR" . "as far as I can recall")
- ("AFAICT" . "as far as I can tell")
- ("AFAIK" . "as far as I know")
- ("AFAIR" . "as far as I recall")
- ("AFAIU" . "as far as I understand")
+ ("AFAIC" . "As Far As I'm Concerned")
+ ("AFAICR" . "as far as i can recall")
+ ("AFAICT" . "as far as i can tell")
+ ("AFAIK" . "as far as i know")
+ ("AFAIR" . "as far as i recall")
+ ("AFAIU" . "as far as i understand")
("AFD" . "away from desktop")
("AFK" . "away from keyboard")
("AFU" . "all fucked up")
("AFW" . "away from window")
- ("AIU" . "as I understand")
- ("AIUI" . "as I understand it")
+ ("AIU" . "as i understand")
+ ("AIUI" . "as i understand it")
("AKA" . "also known as")
- ("ASAIC" . "as soon as I can")
+ ("ASAIC" . "as soon as i can")
("ASAP" . "as soon as possible")
("ATM" . "at the moment")
("AWOL" . "absent without official leave")
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
("B/S" . "bullshit")
("B/W" . "between")
("BBIAB" . "be back in a bit")
- ("BBL" . "[I'll] be back later")
+ ("BBL" . "[I'll] Be Back Later")
("BBS" . "be back soon")
("BBT" . "be back tomorrow")
("BFD" . "big fucking deal")
@@ -83,23 +83,23 @@
("BOFH" . "bastard operator from hell")
("BOGAHICA" . "bend over, grab ankles, here it comes again")
("BOHICA" . "bend over here it comes again")
- ("BRB" . "[I'll] be right back")
+ ("BRB" . "[I'll] Be Right Back")
("BS" . "bullshit")
("BTDT" . "been there, done that")
("BTTH" . "boot to the head")
("BTW" . "by the way")
- ("CMIIW" . "correct me if I'm wrong")
+ ("CMIIW" . "Correct Me If I'm Wrong")
("CNP" . "continued [in my] next post")
("COB" . "close of business [day]")
("COTS" . "commercial off-the-shelf")
("CYA" . "see you around")
("D/L" . "download")
("DIY" . "do it yourself")
- ("DKDC" . "don't know, don't care")
- ("DSTM" . "don't shoot the messenger")
+ ("DKDC" . "Don't Know, Don't Care")
+ ("DSTM" . "Don't Shoot The Messenger")
("DTRT" . "do the right thing")
("DTWT" . "do the wrong thing")
- ("DWIM" . "do what I mean")
+ ("DWIM" . "do what i mean")
("EG" . "evil grin")
("EMSG" . "email message")
("EOB" . "end of business [day]")
@@ -109,9 +109,9 @@
("EWAG" . "experienced wild-ass guess")
("FAQ" . "frequently asked question")
("FCFS" . "first come first served")
- ("FIGJAM" . "fuck I'm good, just ask me")
- ("FIIK" . "fuck[ed] if I know")
- ("FIIR" . "fuck[ed] if I remember")
+ ("FIGJAM" . "Fuck I'm Good, Just Ask Me")
+ ("FIIK" . "fuck[ed] if i know")
+ ("FIIR" . "fuck[ed] if i remember")
("FM" . "fucking magic")
("FOAD" . "fall over and die")
("FOS" . "full of shit")
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@
("FTFM" . "fuck the fuckin' manual!")
("FUBAR" . "fucked up beyond all recognition")
("FUD" . "fear, uncertainty and doubt")
- ("FWIW" . "for what it's worth")
+ ("FWIW" . "For What It's Worth")
("FYI" . "for your information")
("G" . "grin")
("G/C" . "garbage collect")
@@ -135,16 +135,16 @@
("HICA" . "here it comes again")
("HTH" . "hope this helps")
("IAC" . "in any case")
- ("IANAL" . "I am not a lawyer")
- ("IC" . "I see")
- ("ICBW" . "I could be wrong")
- ("ICCL" . "I couldn't care less")
- ("IHAFC" . "I haven't a fucking clue")
- ("IHBW" . "I have been wrong")
- ("IHNFC" . "I have no fucking clue")
- ("IIANM" . "if I am not mistaken")
- ("IIRC" . "if I recall correctly")
- ("IIUC" . "if I understand correctly")
+ ("IANAL" . "i am not a lawyer")
+ ("IC" . "i see")
+ ("ICBW" . "i could be wrong")
+ ("ICCL" . "I Couldn't Care Less")
+ ("IHAFC" . "I Haven't A Fucking Clue")
+ ("IHBW" . "i have been wrong")
+ ("IHNFC" . "i have no fucking clue")
+ ("IIANM" . "if i am not mistaken")
+ ("IIRC" . "if i recall correctly")
+ ("IIUC" . "if i understand correctly")
("IMAO" . "in my arrogant opinion")
("IMCO" . "in my considered opinion")
("IMHO" . "in my humble opinion")
@@ -152,10 +152,10 @@
("IMO" . "in my opinion")
("IOW" . "in other words")
("IRL" . "in real life")
- ("ISAGN" . "I see a great need")
+ ("ISAGN" . "i see a great need")
("ISTM" . "it seems to me")
- ("ISTR" . "I seem to recall")
- ("ITYM" . "I think you mean")
+ ("ISTR" . "i seem to recall")
+ ("ITYM" . "i think you mean")
("IWBNI" . "it would be nice if")
("IYSS" . "if you say so")
("J/K" . "just kidding")
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@
("L8R" . "later")
("LART" . "luser attitude readjustment tool (ie, hammer)")
("LBNL" . "last but not least")
- ("LJBF" . "let's just be friends")
+ ("LJBF" . "Let's Just Be Friends")
("LMAO" . "laughing my ass off")
("LMSO" . "laughing my socks off")
("LOL" . "laughing out loud")
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@
("NRFPT" . "not ready for prime time")
("NRN" . "no reply necessary")
("NSFW" . "not suitable for work")
- ("OIC" . "oh, I see")
+ ("OIC" . "oh, i see")
("OMG" . "oh, my god")
("OT" . "off topic")
("OTL" . "out to lunch")
@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@
("RTFMP" . "read the fine/fucking man page")
("RTFS" . "read the fine/fucking source")
("SCNR" . "sorry, could not resist")
- ("SEP" . "someone else's problem")
+ ("SEP" . "Someone Else's Problem")
("SFA" . "sweet fuck all")
("SHID" . "slaps head in disgust")
("SIMCA" . "sitting in my chair amused")
@@ -255,7 +255,7 @@
("SWAG" . "silly, wild-assed guess")
("SWAHBI" . "silly, wild-assed hare-brained idea")
("SWMBO" . "she who must be obeyed")
- ("TANSTAAFL" . "there ain't no such thing as a free lunch")
+ ("TANSTAAFL" . "There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch")
("TBC" . "to be continued")
("TBD" . "to be {decided,determined,done}")
("TBOMK" . "the best of my knowledge")
@@ -278,14 +278,14 @@
("TY" . "thank you")
("TYVM" . "thank you very much")
("U/L" . "upload")
- ("UTSL" . "use the source, Luke")
+ ("UTSL" . "Use The Source, Luke")
("VEG" . "very evil grin")
("W/" . "with")
("W/O" . "without")
("WAG" . "wild-ass guess")
("WB" . "welcome back")
("WFM" . "works for me")
- ("WIBNI" . "wouldn't it be nice if")
+ ("WIBNI" . "Wouldn't It Be Nice If")
("WIP" . "work in progress")
("WOFTAM" . "waste of fucking time and money")
("WOMBAT" . "waste of money, brain, and time")
@@ -296,10 +296,10 @@
("YALIMO" . "you are lame, in my opinion")
("YHBT" . "you have been trolled")
("YHL" . "you have lost")
- ("YKWIM" . "you know what I mean")
- ("YMA" . "yo momma's ass")
+ ("YKWIM" . "you know what i mean")
+ ("YMA" . "Yo Momma's Ass")
("YMMV" . "your mileage may vary")
- ("YW" . "you're welcome")
+ ("YW" . "You're Welcome")
;; $NetBSD: acronyms.comp,v 1.61 2005/03/28 15:07:16 jschauma Exp $
("3WHS" . "three-way handshake")
("ABI" . "application binary interface")
@@ -334,7 +334,7 @@
("BPS" . "bits per second")
("BSD" . "berkeley software distribution")
("CAD" . "computer-aided design")
- ("CAV" . "constant angular velocity (as opposed to CLV)")
+ ("CAV" . "Constant Angular Velocity (as opposed to CLV)")
("CCD" . "charge coupled device")
("CD" . "compact disc")
("CDDA" . "compact disc digital audio")
@@ -347,7 +347,7 @@
("CIS" . "contact image sensor")
("CLI" . "command line interface")
("CLUT" . "color look-up table")
- ("CLV" . "constant linear velocity (as opposed to CAV)")
+ ("CLV" . "Constant Linear Velocity (as opposed to CAV)")
("CMYK" . "cyan magenta yellow black")
("COFF" . "common object file format")
("COW" . "copy-on-write")
@@ -398,7 +398,7 @@
("EPRML" . "extended partial response, maximum likelihood")
("EPROM" . "erasable programmable read only memory")
("ESDRAM" . "enhanced synchronous dynamic random access memory")
- ("E-XER" . "extended XML encoding rules")
+ ("E-XER" . "Extended XML Encoding Rules")
("FAT" . "file allocation table")
("FBRAM" . "frame buffer random access memory")
("FCS" . "frame check sequence")
@@ -414,8 +414,8 @@
("GC" . "garbage collector")
("GCR" . "group-coded recording")
("GIF" . "graphics interchange format")
- ("GNU" . "gnu's not unix")
- ("GPL" . "gnu/general public license")
+ ("GNU" . "GNU's Not UNIX")
+ ("GPL" . "GNU/General Public License")
("GPU" . "graphics processing unit")
("GRE" . "generic routing encapsulation")
("GUI" . "graphics user interface")
@@ -520,12 +520,12 @@
("PMT" . "photo-multiplier tube")
("PNG" . "portable network graphics")
("POP" . "post office protocol")
- ("POSIX" . "portable operating system interface [for] unix")
+ ("POSIX" . "Portable Operating System Interface [for] UNIX")
("POST" . "power on self test")
("POTS" . "plain old telephone system")
("PPP" . "point-to-point protocol")
- ("PPPOA" . "point-to-point protocol over ATM")
- ("PPPOE" . "point-to-point protocol over ethernet")
+ ("PPPOA" . "Point-to-Point Protocol Over ATM")
+ ("PPPOE" . "Point-to-Point Protocol Over Ethernet")
("PRML" . "partial response, maximum likelihood")
("PROM" . "programmable read only memory")
("PTE" . "page table entry")
@@ -553,7 +553,7 @@
("S/PDIF" . "sony/phillips digital interface")
("SACD" . "super audio compact disc")
("SAM" . "serial access memory")
- ("SASI" . "shugart associates system interface (predecessor to SCSI)")
+ ("SASI" . "Shugart Associates System Interface (predecessor to SCSI)")
("SATA" . "serial advanced technology attachment")
("SCSI" . "small computer system interface")
("SDRAM" . "synchronous dynamic random access memory")
@@ -591,7 +591,7 @@
("UC" . "uncacheable")
("UDO" . "ultra density optical (storage)")
("UDP" . "user datagram protocol")
- ("UFS" . "unix file system")
+ ("UFS" . "UNIX File System")
("UML" . "unified modeling language")
("UPS" . "uninterruptible power supply")
("URI" . "uniform resource identifier")
@@ -615,7 +615,7 @@
("WLAN" . "wireless local area network")
("WRAM" . "window random access memory")
("WWW" . "world wide web")
- ("XER" . "XML encoding rules")
+ ("XER" . "XML Encoding Rules")
("XGA" . "extended graphics array")
("XML" . "extensible markup language")
("XSL" . "extensible stylesheet language")
@@ -623,14 +623,18 @@
("ZFOD" . "zero-filled on demand")
;; Additional terms go here
("BTDTBTTS" . "been there, done that, bought the t-shirt")
+ ("EFF" . "Electronic Frontier Foundation")
+ ("FFII" . "Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure")
+ ("FSF" . "Free Software Foundation")
("FTBFS" . "failure to build from source")
("GAFC" . "get a fucking clue")
+ ("GNU" . "GNU's Not UNIX")
("IDS" . "intrusion detection system")
("NIFOC" . "naked in front of computer")
("PITB" . "pain in the butt")
("ROTFLMAO" . "rolling on the floor laughing my ass off")
("TWAT" . "the war against terrorism")
- ("WTB" . "where's the beef"))
+ ("WTB" . "Where's The Beef"))
"Mapping of acronyms to expansions.")
(defun wtf-match-string-no-properties (num &optional string)
@@ -666,8 +670,13 @@
(when (stringp term)
(let ((def (cdr (assoc (upcase term) wtf-alist))))
(when def
- (setq def (upcase-initials def))
- (if (and def (interactive-p))
+ (save-match-data
+ (let ((case-fold-search nil))
+ ;; only capitalize initials if the term contains no
+ ;; existing capitalization
+ (unless (string-match "[A-Z]" def)
+ (setq def (upcase-initials def)))))
+ (if (interactive-p)
(message (concat term " is " def))