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[Erbot-cvs] Changes to erbot/erbc.el

From: D . Goel
Subject: [Erbot-cvs] Changes to erbot/erbc.el
Date: Mon, 21 Mar 2005 15:38:47 -0500

Index: erbot/erbc.el
diff -u erbot/erbc.el:1.92 erbot/erbc.el:1.93
--- erbot/erbc.el:1.92  Thu Mar 17 21:06:50 2005
+++ erbot/erbc.el       Mon Mar 21 20:38:46 2005
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 ;;; erbc.el --- Erbot user-interface commands.
-;; Time-stamp: <2005-03-17 16:06:13 deego>
+;; Time-stamp: <2005-03-21 15:33:20 deego>
 ;; Copyright (C) 2002 D. Goel
 ;; Emacs Lisp Archive entry
 ;; Filename: erbc.el
@@ -570,7 +570,17 @@
 Optional argument PROC .
 Optional argument NICK .
 Optional argument TGT .
-Optional argument FOO ."
+Optional argument FOO .
+We will also bind a number of variables, as appropriate, for example,
+fs-msg*, fs-args, fs-a, fs-b... so that these vars can be used
+anywhere in the code, or the user-defined parts of the code...
+In the grand scheme of things, these bindings should turn out to be
+local, because the parent function calling this function should have
+'letted these variables. 
   ;;(when (stringp msg)
    ;; (setq  msg (split-string msg)))
@@ -580,8 +590,13 @@
   (setq fs-internal-original-message msg)
   (setq msg (fs-parse-preprocess-message msg))
-  (let 
+  (setq fs-msg msg)
+  (setq fs-msgsansbot msg)
+  (let* 
+       (msg (fs-parse-preprocess-message msg))
        (origmsg msg)
        ;;(fs-internal-message-sans-bot-name fs-internal-message-sans-bot-name)
        (foundquery nil)
@@ -642,7 +657,7 @@
                   ;;(string-match (concat "^" erbn-char) msg)
                   ;;(string-match erbn-char-double  msg))
-         (setq founddoublequery t)
+         (setq foundquerydouble t)
          (setq msg (concat erbn-char " (m8b)")))))
     (when (and (stringp msg)
@@ -697,7 +712,8 @@
     ;; now we split strings..
     (setq msg (split-string msg))
+    (setq fs-msglist msg)
+    (setq fs-msglistsansbot msg)
      ( (and (first msg) 
            (let ((pos 
@@ -881,7 +897,7 @@
        (setq leave-alone-p t)))
+    (setq fs-msglistsansbot msg)
     ;; now do the work..
     (if leave-alone-p
@@ -1953,6 +1969,51 @@
 (defvar fs-internal-describe-literally-p nil)
+(defvar fs-msg "The exact current message being parsed. ")
+(defvar fs-msglist "Message broken into list.  This list may have
+removed characters like ?  and ,,  No guarantees here.  See
+fs-msgsandbot instead.")
+(defvar fs-msgsansbot nil "Current message being parsed, but the
+invocation part removed.  ")
+(defvar fs-msglistsansbot nil
+  "Message broken into list, invocation parts removed.  
+.. with the invokation parts, like ,, or , or fsbot:, removed.  Thus,
+if message taken from the middle of a sentence, then this is the list
+from only that part. ")
+(defvar fs-args nil
+  "Will be used when using the lisp form")
+(defvar fs-a nil
+  "Will be used when using the lisp form")
+(defvar fs-b nil
+  "Will be used when using the lisp form")
+(defvar fs-c nil
+  "Will be used when using the lisp form")
+(defvar fs-d nil
+  "Will be used when using the lisp form")
+(defvar fs-e nil
+  "Will be used when using the lisp form")
 (defun fsi-describe-literally (&rest rest)
   (unless rest
     (error "Format: , describe-literally TERM [FROM] [TO]"))
@@ -1975,186 +2036,203 @@
 Looks for TERM, and shows its descriptions starting at description
 number N, and ending at M-1. The first record is numbered 0. 
-  (when fs-found-query-p 
-    (setq N 0)
-    (setq M 1))
-  (unless prestring (setq prestring ""))
-  (unless mainterm 
-     (error 
-     "Format , (describe TERM &optional number1 number2)"))
-  (let* ((bar (cons mainterm (cons N rest)))
-        (foo (format "%s" mainterm))
-        (barbar
-         (append
-          (and mainterm (list mainterm))
-          (and N (list N))
-          (and M (list M))
-          rest))
-           )
-    (setq foo (fs-correct-entry foo))
-    (if (stringp N)
-       (setq N (read N)))
-    (unless (integerp N)
-      (setq N 0))
-    (if (stringp M)
-       (setq M (read M)))
-    (if (and (integerp M) (= M N))
-       (setq M (+ N 1)))
-    (unless (stringp foo)
-      (setq foo (format "%s" foo)))
-    (let* ((result0
-           (erbbdb-get-exact-notes
-            foo
-            ))
-          (result1 (and (stringp result0)
-                       (ignore-errors (read result0))))
-          (len (length result1))
-          (newM (if (and (integerp M)
-                         (< M len))
-                    M len))
-          (result (subseq result1 N newM))
-          (shortenedp (or (< newM len)
-                          (> N 0)))
-                  )
-      (cond
-       ;; in cond0
-       (result1
-       (let* (
-              ;; notice the use of result1 here, not result. 
-              (aa (first result1))
-              (aarest (cdr result1))
-              (bb (split-string aa))
-              (cc (first bb))
-              (dd (second bb))
-              (ddd (or (and (stringp dd) (regexp-quote dd)) ""))
-              (ee (cdr bb))
-              (expandp 
-               (and 
-                (not fs-internal-describe-literally-p)
+  (let 
+      ;;((fs-args (append (list mainterm N M prestring expr) rest)))
+      ;; nothing, just a let not used any more..
+      ((fs-nothingsorry nil))
+    ;; in the global scheme of things, this will turn out to be only a
+    ;; local binding, since erbeng-main will have (let)'ed this.  Same
+    ;; for fs-a, fs-b, fs-c...
+    (setq fs-args (mapcar 'fsi-read-or-orig (cdr fs-msglistsansbot)))
+    (when fs-found-query-p 
+      (setq N 0)
+      (setq M 1))
+    (unless prestring (setq prestring ""))
+    (unless mainterm 
+      (error 
+       "Format , (describe TERM &optional number1 number2)"))
+    (let* ((bar (cons mainterm (cons N rest)))
+          (foo (format "%s" mainterm))
+          (barbar
+           (append
+            (and mainterm (list mainterm))
+            (and N (list N))
+            (and M (list M))
+            rest))
+          )
+      (setq foo (fs-correct-entry foo))
+      (if (stringp N)
+         (setq N (read N)))
+      (unless (integerp N)
+       (setq N 0))
+      (if (stringp M)
+         (setq M (read M)))
+      (if (and (integerp M) (= M N))
+         (setq M (+ N 1)))
+      (unless (stringp foo)
+       (setq foo (format "%s" foo)))
+      (let* ((result0
+             (erbbdb-get-exact-notes
+              foo
+              ))
+            (result1 (and (stringp result0)
+                          (ignore-errors (read result0))))
+            (len (length result1))
+            (newM (if (and (integerp M)
+                           (< M len))
+                      M len))
+            (result (subseq result1 N newM))
+            (shortenedp (or (< newM len)
+                            (> N 0)))
+            )
+       (cond
+        ;; in cond0
+        (result1
+         (let* (
+                ;; notice the use of result1 here, not result. 
+                (aa (first result1))
+                (aarest (cdr result1))
+                (bb (split-string aa))
-                ;;(equal len 1)
-                ))
-              )
-         (if (and  
-              (equal cc "directonly") 
-              ;;(equal len 1)
-              )
-             ;; hmm this if part still doesn't take care of aa..
-             (if fs-found-query-p
-                 (progn
-                   (setq aa "lisp 'noreply")
-                   (setq bb (split-string aa))
-                   (setq cc (first bb))
-                   (setq dd (second bb))
-                   (setq dd (or (and (stringp dd) (regexp-quote dd)) ""))
-                   (setq ee (cdr bb)))
-               (when expandp
-                 (progn
-                   (setq bb (cdr bb))
-                   (setq aa (mapconcat 'identity bb " "))
-                   (setq result1 (cons aa aarest))
-                   (setq result (subseq result1 N newM))
-                   (setq cc (first bb))
-                   (setq dd (second bb))
-                   (setq ddd (or (and (stringp dd)
-                                      (regexp-quote dd)) ""))
-                   (setq ee (cdr bb))))
-               ))
-         (cond 
-          ((and expandp
-                (erbutils-string= cc "redirect")
-                dd)
-           (apply 'fs-describe ddd
-                  N M 
-                  (format "[->] " 
-                          )
-                  rest))
-          ((and expandp (member cc '("unecho" "noecho"))
-                dd)
-                ;;dd)
-           (erbutils-itemize 
-            (cons
-             (format "%s" 
-                     (mapconcat 'identity ee " "))
-             (cdr result))
-            N
-            shortenedp
-            ))
-          ((and expandp (member cc '("lisp")))
-           (erbeng-main 
-            (concat erbn-char " (progn "
-                    (substring aa
-                               (with-temp-buffer
-                                 (insert aa)
-                                 (goto-char (point-min))
-                                 (search-forward "lisp" nil t)))
-                    " )")
-            erbeng-proc 
-            erbeng-nick erbeng-tgt erbeng-localp 
-            erbeng-userinfo))
-          (t 
-           (erbutils-add-nick-maybe
-             (concat 
-              prestring
-              (format
-               (erbutils-random
-                '(
-                  ;;"%s is perhaps "
-                  "%s is like, "
-                  "I heard %s is "
-                  "I think %s is "
-                  ;;"/me thinks %s is "
-                  "%s -- "
-                  ;;"%s is "
-                  "%s is "
-                  "hmm, %s is "
-                  "From memory, %s is "
+                (cc (first bb))
+                (dd (second bb))
+                (ddd (or (and (stringp dd) (regexp-quote dd)) ""))
+                (ee (cdr bb))
+                (expandp 
+                 (and 
+                  (not fs-internal-describe-literally-p)
+                  ;;(equal len 1)
-               ;; 2004-01-27 T17:21:55-0500 (Tuesday)    D. Goel
-               ;; why regexp-quote here??  changing it..
-               ;;(regexp-quote foo)
-               foo
-               )
-              ;; and notice the use of result here..
-              (if result
-                  (erbutils-itemize result N shortenedp)
-                (erbutils-itemize result1 0))
-              )))
+                )
-           )))
-       ;; in cond0
-       ;; else
-       (fs-found-query-p 
-       'noreply)
-       ((not erbnocmd-describe-search-p)
-       ;; most likely: redirected but the redirected stuff does not exist..
-       (format 
-        "Missing redirect. %s is now on fire.               (Try , dl) " 
-               erbot-nick mainterm))
-       (t
-       ;; prevent any further expansions on further loopbacks. 
-       (let ((erbnocmd-describe-search-p nil))
-         (fs-search 
-          mainterm nil nil 
-          (concat prestring "try: ")
-          ;;barbar
-          expr
-          )))))))
+           (if (and  
+                (equal cc "directonly") 
+                ;;(equal len 1)
+                )
+               ;; hmm this if part still doesn't take care of aa..
+               (if fs-found-query-p
+                   (progn
+                     (setq aa "lisp 'noreply")
+                     (setq bb (split-string aa))
+                     (setq cc (first bb))
+                     (setq dd (second bb))
+                     (setq dd (or (and (stringp dd) (regexp-quote dd)) ""))
+                     (setq ee (cdr bb)))
+                 (when expandp
+                   (progn
+                     (setq bb (cdr bb))
+                     (setq aa (mapconcat 'identity bb " "))
+                     (setq result1 (cons aa aarest))
+                     (setq result (subseq result1 N newM))
+                     (setq cc (first bb))
+                     (setq dd (second bb))
+                     (setq ddd (or (and (stringp dd)
+                                        (regexp-quote dd)) ""))
+                     (setq ee (cdr bb))))
+                 ))
+           (cond 
+            ((and expandp
+                  (erbutils-string= cc "redirect")
+                  dd)
+             (apply 'fs-describe ddd
+                    N M 
+                    (format "[->] " 
+                            )
+                    rest))
+            ((and expandp (member cc '("unecho" "noecho"))
+                  dd)
+             ;;dd)
+             (erbutils-itemize 
+              (cons
+               (format "%s" 
+                       (mapconcat 'identity ee " "))
+               (cdr result))
+              N
+              shortenedp
+              ))
+            ((and expandp (member cc '("lisp")))
+             (let*
+                 ((fs-nothingsorry nil))
+                  ;; (fs-args fs-args) ;; no need
+               (setq fs-a (nth 0 fs-args))
+               (setq fs-b (nth 1 fs-args))
+               (setq fs-c (nth 2 fs-args))
+               (setq fs-d (nth 3 fs-args))
+               (setq fs-e (nth 4 fs-args))
+               (erbeng-main 
+                (concat erbn-char " (progn "
+                        (substring aa
+                                   (with-temp-buffer
+                                     (insert aa)
+                                     (goto-char (point-min))
+                                     (search-forward "lisp" nil t)))
+                        " )")
+                erbeng-proc 
+                erbeng-nick erbeng-tgt erbeng-localp 
+                erbeng-userinfo)))
+            (t 
+             (erbutils-add-nick-maybe
+              (concat 
+               prestring
+               (format
+                (erbutils-random
+                 '(
+                   ;;"%s is perhaps "
+                   "%s is like, "
+                   "I heard %s is "
+                   "I think %s is "
+                   ;;"/me thinks %s is "
+                   "%s -- "
+                   ;;"%s is "
+                   "%s is "
+                   "hmm, %s is "
+                   "From memory, %s is "
+                   ))
+                ;; 2004-01-27 T17:21:55-0500 (Tuesday)    D. Goel
+                ;; why regexp-quote here??  changing it..
+                ;;(regexp-quote foo)
+                foo
+                )
+               ;; and notice the use of result here..
+               (if result
+                   (erbutils-itemize result N shortenedp)
+                 (erbutils-itemize result1 0))
+               )))
+            )))
+        ;; in cond0
+        ;; else
+        (fs-found-query-p 
+         'noreply)
+        ((not erbnocmd-describe-search-p)
+         ;; most likely: redirected but the redirected stuff does not exist..
+         (format 
+          "Missing redirect. %s is now on fire.               (Try , dl) " 
+          erbot-nick mainterm))
+        (t
+         ;; prevent any further expansions on further loopbacks. 
+         (let ((erbnocmd-describe-search-p nil))
+           (fs-search 
+            mainterm nil nil 
+            (concat prestring "try: ")
+            ;;barbar
+            expr
+            ))))))))
 (defvar fs-internal-doctor-rarity 80
   "A large number(1--100) means rarer doctor inovcation upon no matches."
@@ -3862,7 +3940,7 @@
 (defun fsi-locate-library (&optional arg &rest rest)
   "REST WILL be ignored :-)"
-  (unless arg (format (error "Syntax: %s locate-library LIB" erbn-char)))
+  (unless arg (error "Syntax: %s locate-library LIB" erbn-char))
   (unless (stringp arg)
     (setq arg (format "%s" arg)))
   (locate-library arg))
@@ -4792,9 +4870,22 @@
   (save-excursion (erc-query qnick erbn-buffer)))
+(defun fsi-read-or-orig (arg)
+  "  If string and can read, read, else return the arg. 
+Note: Used by fs-describe"
+  (cond
+   ((stringp arg)
+    (condition-case fs-tmp (read arg)
+      (error arg)))
+   (t arg)))
+(defun fsi-read (str)
+  (cond
+   ((stringp str)
+    (read str))
+   (t (error "The bot will only read from strings. "))))

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