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[Erbot-cvs] Changes to erbot/erbc.el

From: Pete Kazmier
Subject: [Erbot-cvs] Changes to erbot/erbc.el
Date: Fri, 07 Jan 2005 19:27:52 -0500

Index: erbot/erbc.el
diff -u erbot/erbc.el:1.74 erbot/erbc.el:1.75
--- erbot/erbc.el:1.74  Fri Jan  7 01:56:28 2005
+++ erbot/erbc.el       Sat Jan  8 00:03:04 2005
@@ -1187,7 +1187,19 @@
 (defun fs-kiss (&optional nick &rest foo)
 Optional argument NICK ."
-  (format "/me kisses %s" nick))
+  (setq nick (format "%s" (or nick "itself")))
+  (cond
+   ((member nick (list erbot-nick "yourself" "self"))
+    (eval 
+     (erbutils-random
+      '("I'd rather kiss you"
+        "Kiss myself? Why?"))))
+   (t
+    (eval 
+     (erbutils-random
+      '((format "/me kisses %s" nick)
+        (format "/me gives %s a big smooch" nick)
+        (format "/me runs in the other direction, shouting NEVER!!")))))))
 (defun fs-hug (&optional nick)
   (unless nick (setq nick "itself"))

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