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[Enigma-devel] Fwd: Mac 10.11.3

From: roymccoy . nl
Subject: [Enigma-devel] Fwd: Mac 10.11.3
Date: Tue, 5 Apr 2016 10:35:08 +0200

I updated my system yesterday and apparently only one accessory needed an update. I’ve taken care of that one and so it looks like I’ll stay updated and can try the described procedure of downgrading to SDL_image 1.2.10 to get Enigma to work with El Capitan.


It works! Thanks, Sydney!


From: Roy McCoy <address@hidden>
Subject: Re: [Enigma-devel] Mac 10.11.3
Date: April 4, 2016 at 11:47:52 AM GMT+2
To: "E.C.M. van Eijk" <address@hidden>

Many thanks, Els. I'll certainly try this if and when I update to the
current Mac system, but I'm putting that off for another reason than
Enigma, which is that I'm afraid I might have a problem running my old
Adobe software with the new system. On the other hand I can make a backup
and then go back to that if there's a problem, so maybe I'll do that today.
If so, I'll let you and Sydney know how it goes.

Thanks again,


On Apr 3, 2016, at 3:27 PM, E.C.M. van Eijk <address@hidden> wrote:

Hallo Roy,
Received this today from Sydney. Don't know if you got it too. So better two then none!
Is/was this also your problem?
Best regards,
Els van Eijk

-----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- From: Sidney Markowitz
Sent: Sunday, April 03, 2016 11:52 AM
To: Patrick Huffer ; address@hidden
Subject: Re: [Enigma-devel] Mac 10.11.3

I have found a solution to the problem with running Enigma on the newest
versions of Mac OS X.

The problem is caused by a bug that was introduced in the SDL_image 1.2
framework in its previous version 1.2.11 and was fixed incorrectly in the
latest version 1.2.12. The bug in 1.2.12 did not reveal itself until a newer
Mac OS X came out, by which time SDL 2 was out and no more attention was paid
to SDL 1.2. Unfortunately, Enigma has not yet been ported to use SDL 2 so we
can't just use the latest bug fixed SDL.

There is an easy workaround for Enigma, which is to downgrade to using the
version of SDL_image 1.2.10, which predates the bug. Lucky for us, none of the
bugs in SDL_image 1.2.10 which were fixed in 1.2.11 seem to have any relevance
to Enigma, and the framework can easily be swapped out.

To get Enigma to run on the newest Mac OS X do the following:

Download the file


Open the file SDL_image-1.2.10.dmg which will show you a finder window that
contains a file named SDL_image.framework

In another finder window, in the Applications folder, right-click on the
Enigma application and select Show Package Contents. That should show you a
folder named Contents. Double-click on Contents to open it, then double-click
on the Frameworks folder to open that. You will see a number of files, one of
which is named SDL_image.framework. Drag and drop the SDL_image.framework that
you have downloaded to replace the one that is there.

Close up the various finder windows and Enigma should now work.

Please confirm if this works for you. If it does, I can produce a dmg file
with this correction and we can ask Andreas to put that on the web site for
the Mac OS download.



Patrick Huffer wrote on 25/03/16 2:41 PM:
Hi, the game isn’t playable on OS X El Capitan - there are a lot of
graphical artifacts that hang around on the screen as you open dialogs,
move the balls around, etc.

I haven’t played in years but greatly enjoyed it and wanted to try again.
Hope there is a solution!



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