Copyright © 2014 Jürgen Lange "] = {"fl_bluegray", burnable=false, name="extralife1"} ti[":"] = {"fl_bluegray", burnable=false, name="extralife2"} ti["A"] = {"fl_bluegray", burnable=false, name="kill"} ti["N"] = {"fl_bluegray", burnable=false, name="poison"} ti["."] = {"fl_sand"} ti["t"] = {"fl_wood", secure=true} ti["z"] = {"fl_abyss"} ti["@"] = {"#ac_marble"} ti["i"] = {"it_document", text="text1"} ti["j"] = {"it_document", text="text2"} ti["k"] = {"it_document", text="text5"} ti["l"] = {"it_document", text="text7"} ti["m"] = {"it_document", text="text9"} ti["n"] = {"it_document", text="text11"} ti["u"] = {"it_coin_s"} ti["U"] = {"st_coinslot", interval_s = 0.01, action="open", target={"door4", "make_cherry"}} ti["a"] = {"it_cross", target="make_sword", interval=5, name="cross2"} ti["b"] = {"it_cross", action="open", target={"door1", "make_coffee"}, interval=5, name="cross1"} ti["c"] = {"it_cross", target="make_extralife", interval=5} ti["d"] = {"it_cross", action="ignite", target={"burn", "make_fire", "door2"}, interval=5, name="cross3"} ti["e"] = {"it_cross", action="open", target="door3", interval=5} ti["f"] = {"it_cross", target={"make_knight"}, interval=5, name="cross4"} ti["s"] = {"it_cross", target="remove_items", interval=5} ti["h"] = {"it_cross", target="make_seed", interval=5, name="cross6"} ti["v"] = {"it_cross", target="make_hammer", interval=5, name="cross5"} ti["H"] = {"it_cross"} ti["K"] = {"st_yellow"} ti["?"] = {"st_break"} .. ti[";"] ti["*"] = {"st_knight"} .. ti["l"] ti["y"] = {"st_lightglass"} .. ti["m"] .. ti["."] ti["Y"] = {"st_lightglass_movable"} .. ti["k"] ti["w"] = {"st_granite"} ti["+"] = {"st_charge_plus"} ti["-"] = {"st_charge_minus"} ti["O"] = {"st_oxyd_d", name="oxyd#"} ti["W"] = {"st_box"} .. ti["t"] ti["p"] = {"st_box"} ti["!"] = {"it_burnable", name="burn"} .. ti["W"] ti["#"] = {"st_bluesand"} ti["="] = {"st_redrock"} ti["B"] = {"st_door_a", name="door1"} ti["C"] = {"st_door_a", name="door2"} ti["D"] = {"st_door_a", state=OPEN} .. ti[";"] ti["E"] = {"st_door_c", name="door3"} .. ti["j"] ti["&"] = {"st_door_b", name="door4"} ti["F"] = {"st_granite", name="knight"} .. ti["u"] ti["G"] = {"st_granite", name="arrow"} .. ti["u"] ti["q"] = {"st_granite", name="fire"} .. ti["t"] wo(ti, " ", { "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz#zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz#zzzzzz", "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz#zzzzzzzzz#zzzzzzzzz=zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz#zzzzzzzzz#zzzzzz", "wwEwwwwwF#wwwYwwwww#wwwwwwwww#wwwwwwyww#wwwwwwwww=wwwwwwwww=wwwqwwwww=wwwwww", "wsesssssassssvssssssssssssssssssssssHssssssssssssssssssssssssssdssssss;DWWpw", "+s 2 < ;;;;wWWBO", "Kc>@ i 14 9 N8 A3 7: ;;&?Wnw", "-s0 5 , 6 ;;;w!WCO", "wsfsssssssssssssssssssssssssshsssssssssssssbsssssssHssssssssssHsssssss;wWppw", "wwGwwwwww#wwwwwwwww#wwwwwwwww#wwwwwwwww#wwwwwwwww=w*wwwwwww=wwUwwwwww=wwwwww", "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz#zzzzzzzzz#zzzzzzzzz=zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz#zzzzzzzzz#zzzzzz", "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz#zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz#zzzzzz" }) function make_knight(value, sender) wo[no["cross4"]] = ti["H"] wo[no["knight"]] = ti({"st_knight"}) wo[no["arrow"]] = ti({"st_oneway_black"}) wo[no["document4"]] = {"it_document", text="text3"} end function make_sword(value, sender) wo[no["cross2"]] = ti["H"] wo[no["sword"]] = ti({"it_sword"}) wo[no["document5"]] = {"it_document", text="text4"} end function make_cherry(value, sender) wo[no["cherry"]] = ti({"it_cherry"}) wo[no["extralife2"]] = ti({"it_extralife"}) wo[no["document3"]] = {"it_document", text="text6"} end function make_seed(value, sender) wo[no["cross6"]] = ti["H"] wo[{29,8}] = ti({"st_death"}) wo[no["seed"]] = ti({"it_seed"}) wo[no["poison"]] = ti({"it_bottle", text="Poison"}) wo[no["document2"]] = {"it_document", text="text8"} end function make_fire(value, sender) wo[no["cross3"]] = ti["H"] wo[no["document6"]] = {"it_document", text="text10"} wo[no["fire"]] = ti({"st_nil"}) .. ti({"fl_wood", burnable=true, initfire=true, eternal=true}) end function make_hammer(value, sender) wo[no["cross5"]] = ti["H"] wo[{13,2}] = ti({"st_death"}) wo[no["hammer"]] = ti({"it_hammer"}) end function make_coffee(value, sender) wo[no["cross1"]] = ti["H"] wo[no["coffee"]] = ti({"it_coffee"}) wo[no["kill"]] = ti({"it_sword"}) wo[{43,8}] = ti({"st_death"}) wo[no["document7"]] = {"it_document", text="text12"} end function remove_items(value, sender) wo[no["floor#*"]] = ti({"it_nil"}) wo[no["document1"]] = {"it_document", text="text13"} wo[no["oxyd#*"]] = ti({"st_death"}) end function make_extralife(value, sender) wo[no["extralife1"]] = ti({"it_extralife"}) end ]]> Caesar's original Cipher has a shift of +3 to protect messages of military significance ("Caesar" = "Fdhvdu"). Goto the cross +3 and wait for 5 seconds. Cäsars original Chiffre hat eine Verschiebung von +3, um militärische Nachrichten zu verschlüsseln ("Caesar" = "Fdhvdu"). Gehe zu Kreuz +3 und warte für 5 Sekunden. Decrypt "BkfdjX" (Hint: Cipher Machine). The used shift is different from the original Caesar-Cipher. Goto the cross of the new shift and remember for later use. Entschlüssele "BkfdjX" (Hinweis: Chiffiermaschine). Die Verschiebung ist eine andere, als bei der Original Cäsar-Chiffre. Gehe zum Kreuz der neuen Verschiebung und merke sie dir. Goto the cross +9. Gehe zum Kreuz +9. 9 AD (Anno Domini) - Battle of the Teutoburg Forest. 9 n. Chr. - Schlacht im Teutoburger Wald. 14 AD (Anno Domini) - Death of Augustus. Goto cross 14 AD. 14 n. Chr. - Tod von Augustus. Gehe zu Kreuz 14 n. Chr. 63 BC (Before Christ) - Augustus was born. What happened 33 years later? 63 v. Chr. - Geburt von Augustus. Was passierte 33 Jahre später? 52 BC (Before Christ) - Battle of Alesia. 52 v. Chr. - Schlacht um Alesia. 30 BC - Antonius and Cleopatra committed suicide. Goto Nero's 27 birthday. 30 v. Chr. - Antonius und Kleopatra begehen Selbstmord. Gehe zu Neros 27. Geburtstag. 37 AD - Nero was born. 37 n. Chr. - Geburt von Nero. 64 AD - Great Fire of Rome. 64 n. Chr - Großer Brand Roms. Decrypt "Farp JXoqff" to Latin words by using the remembered shift. Goto the year of this event. Entschlüssele "Farp JXoqff" zu lateinischen Worten durch Verwendung der gemerkten Verschiebung. Gehe zum Jahr des Ereignisses. 44 BC - Ides of March, Assassination of Caesar. 44 v. Chr. - Iden des März, Attentat auf Cäsar. Wrong shift or year. Restart level. Falsche Verschiebung oder falsches Jahr. Starte den Level neu.