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Re: [Enigma-devel] Some i18n issues

From: Fòram na Gàidhlig
Subject: Re: [Enigma-devel] Some i18n issues
Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 11:20:01 +0100
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> I see the problem you are having (to those who
> don't know about ngettext: It's about changing the
> translated text depending on a number, like singular
> and plural cases), but I am unaware about the scope
> of the code that needs to be changed for this.
> Actually, we have enough problems with the gettext-
> system as it is (see missing translations on some
> systems), so I suggest not to touch this for a while.
> Of course, if someone is competent enough to do
> this: Please call :-)

I just had another idea: Maybe you can "steal" some code from the
Widelands project, where we hace working ngettext in both C an Lua.

The i18n classes for C are here:


And their script for generating the pot catalogs:


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