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[Enigma-devel] Hi from Ray Re: Please replace these five Enigma levels

From: RayRWick
Subject: [Enigma-devel] Hi from Ray Re: Please replace these five Enigma levels
Date: Wed, 7 Jul 2010 02:12:47 EDT

Greetings Enigma Administrators,
Please replace these five levels extracted from this ZIP file in the upcoming new release of Enigma:
Replace RayWick01_3 with RayWick01_4
Replace RayWick02_3 with RayWick02_4
Replace RayWick03_4 with RayWick03_5
Replace RayWick04_2 with RayWick04_3
Replace RayWick05_2 with RayWick05_3
Some changes have been made to make the levels more interesting and exclude unintentional solutions so they will probably require a new set of scoring values.
Thank you very much,
Ray Wick.

Attachment: First Five.zip
Description: Zip archive

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